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All 6 posts   Subject: IM Tramadol   Please login to post   Down

(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-01-04 21:27
No 528937
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      IM Tramadol     

In my dreams, I've come across some 50mg tabs of tramadol.. One time, I swallowed 200mg, which boosted my mood and gave me a mild buzz. It was a unique buzz, unlike with oxycodone, hydromorphone, etc..
  Has anyone here ever tryed IM ultram? If so, then at what dosage? How many mg ultram would you suggest poking? Thanks in advance and peace!cool

Love My Country, Fear My Government
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-01-04 22:04
No 528948
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In my dreams, I have 350mg of it dissolved in boiling hot distilled water, and my rig is clean and ready to go..

Love My Country, Fear My Government
(Hive Bee)
09-04-04 05:31
No 529517
      First, injecting pills probably isnt the ...     

First, injecting pills probably isnt the smartest plan, youre going to get more than just the tramadol into your veins.

Second, the one time I tried tramadol was in a pretty low (therapeutic) dose, and it had me curled up in bed feeling nauseous for a couple hours. Ive read articles on MedLine that mention tramadol having a seizure risk too. Even if you had the stuff as a pure chemical, its not one I'd really recommend orally, much less injected.
(Hive Bee)
09-05-04 16:41
No 529694
      Tramadol i.v. dosage     

SWIN has some experience injecting tramadol. This was  taken from ampoules though.

100 mg will give a noticeable rush.
400 mg is the absolute maximum dose I would recommend.
1000 mg will cause muscle cramps so extreme you will not be able to open your hands, let alone get up and walk, for more than 24 hours. Plus endless puking. Yes, this has happended to SWIN, don't ask how he managed to OD like that. This was logged as an AKH (almost killed himself) experience. Well, at least he felt like that.

Taking some Diphenhydramine in advance will work against the nausea which occurs at doses 100mg and larger.
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-12-04 16:52
No 531020
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      Did The Deed     

"mention tramadol having a seizure risk too."

  Yes, I've had analogues of ultram give me much worse shakes than tramadol itself, so I knew what I was getting into. The best in this family tilidine - It sure gave my german friend a positive ego boost, because it's half life was about the same as with prodine analogues, and it didn't stick around like methodone.. That gets me thinking: if a p-methoxy group is added to the front of methodone wouldn't it quickly leave the body as a metabolite, just like with p-methoxy-PCP??

Love My Country, Fear My Government
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-12-04 17:14
No 531021
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I've IMed about 800mg - every once in a while, one of my front limbs got a strong twitch, but nothing worse than with meth on a week long binge. This world would be a much better place if lab grade drugs were available..

  Btw, a lot of fucking Dr.'s are becomming aware that soma(carisoprodal) gets converted to meprobamate in the body, so I'm assuming that they'll be keeping more of a grip on their script pads.

Love My Country, Fear My Government

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