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All 5 posts   Subject: Moderators, why has this thread been locked?   Please login to post   Down

09-02-04 07:43
No 529070
      Moderators, why has this thread been locked?     

I was looking to respond to the following thread:

Post 284281 (Nemo_Tenetur: "Schedule IV Analogue-LEGAL?", Law and Order)

Unfortunately, it has been locked/closed.

(Chief Bee)
09-02-04 07:48
No 529072
User Picture 
      The thread linked by you has now been reopened.     

The thread linked by you has now been reopened.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
09-02-04 17:09
No 529167
      Thanks but . . .     

I appreciate the fact that you've unlocked the thread.  Nevertheless, that doesn't explain why it was locked to begin with. Do you have an explanation or even a theory that you are willing to offer to clear up my confusion about this issue?

. . . Pretty please . . . with honey on it . . .
(Chief Bee)
09-03-04 02:02
No 529256
User Picture 
      unnecessary measure     

I think I closed it because I at the time felt that the discussion ended with the comprehensive reply in Post 285083 (aztec: "Re: Schedule IV Analogue-LEGAL?", Law and Order) - but thinking back on it now, I feel that was an unnecessary measure to take. I must have been tired at the time or something.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
09-03-04 05:08
No 529276

That's good enough for me.

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