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All 3 posts   Subject: Your first bookmark on the Hive?   Please login to post   Down

09-02-04 12:08
No 529123
      Your first bookmark on the Hive?     

What was your first bookmark on The Hive? I can tell you mine. A couple of years ago, Argox posted a few particularly long posts, the first post entitled "Addicted? Escape worked for me." , Argox tells a very suspenseful story about how he was framed, imprisoned, tortured, and eventually offered a line... oh the irony!  Truly one of the Hive's supreme bees! Post 223443 (Argox: "Addicted?  Escape worked for me.", General Discourse)

Follow the thread to read the rest of the story...
(Hive Bee)
09-02-04 12:56
No 529128
      so what?     

Your post is trivial and belongs on The Couch. No one cares what you bookmarked first. Read and follow the posting rules.
09-02-04 13:17
No 529129
      i don't belong....:(     

This is debatable. Doesn't my post fall under the category of "The Hive"? I didn't post for the sole intention of asking the bees what their first bookmark was, I posted mainly because I wanted to shed light on a post that I happened to find very well-written and worth reading. So I guess you're right, what I posted may not have been important to you (or anyone else for that matter), but I thought maybe this was a suitable place to post such a thing. Did you even read what I talked about in my post?

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