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(Chief Bee)
09-03-04 17:25
No 529382
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      Reference Book for Radiopharmaceuticals 2004
(Rated as: excellent)

Reference Book for Radiopharmaceuticals 2004
Ren Iwata

(4.5 MB)
(226 pages, 75 pages of refs)


PET radiochemistry, dating from the early 1970s, has been a rather small field but is now rapidly expanding. It covers organic, inorganic and pharmaceutical chemistries as well as radiochemistry, and its field is interwoven with chemistry, biology, medicine and engineering as it is dedicated to routine clinical diagnosis. The features of PET radiochemistry thus make a newcomer perplexed when he faces unfamiliar subjects and finds no up-to-date guide book as a great classic, "Short-lived radioactive gases for clinical use" by J. C. Clark and P. D.

Buckingham (Butterworth, London 1975) used to be. There sometimes appears a timely review on a particular topic in a journal. A fine review book, "Fluorine-18 labeling of radiopharmaceuticals" by M. R. Kilbourn (National Acad. Press, Washington D.C. 1990), is very appreciated but no more available. The European Community issued useful books such as "radiopharmaceuticals for positron emission tomography" edited by G. Stocklin and V. W.

Pike (Kluwer Acad. Publisher, Dordrecht 1993) or "PET for drug development and evaluation" edited by D. Comar (Kluwer Acad. Publisher, Dordrecht 1995). However, they do not cover the whole aspect of PET radiochemistry or serve as database for PET radiopharmaceuticals.

This booklet is not aimed at reviewing PET radiopharmaceuticals and it is beyond its scope to deal with all aspects of PET radiochemistry. In spite of the Internet Era offering convenient access to large databases such as MEDLINE, I sometimes thought it must be useful if a concise reference book of PET radiopharmaceuticals was ready at hand, and when I found myself free of routine work for the renewal of our cyclotron facilities, I decided to set out to make this book using my private database, in which I have accumulated reference data in my PC for myself, mainly from three journals of Applied Radiation Isotopes, Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals and Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Approximately a thousand references were classified according to PET radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals described therein. This classification is somehow arbitrary and some compounds might be found in a wrong category.

Those are all due to my stupid mistakes and poor knowledge. Many important references might be ignored especially when they were published in journals other than the above ones, and in addition, no labeled compounds reported in meeting abstracts are referred. Any correction and kind suggestion to improve this book should be welcomed. I do hope a PDF file of this book will be downloaded from our homepage by many PET radiochemists and I would be very happy if I am given a chance to update it.

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