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Law and Order  

All 8 posts   Subject: Watched or suspicious order?   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-05-04 07:08
No 529653
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      Watched or suspicious order?     

Hey beez and gals, SWIL has been contemplating orgering a tank of compressed fluorine for some non-drug related experiments, would an order of just a fluorine tank on its own present any suspicion/LEA attention?

Beecause I have also been thinking of ordering some phosphine, for possible reduction to WP, and if SWIL was to order them together, this might present suspicion of intent in the general direction of nerve agentsshocked
which I have no intention whatsoever of coming within a thousand miles vicinity thereofshocked

So would either order seperately be suspcious, I think phosphine might well bee due to it's lethality and ease of use as a chemical weapon in a like minded individual, but I have no idea if elemental fluorine is watched at all.

Calcium gluconate will of course bee ordered at the same time. Fluorine is just vicious, I just read that an 0.6 second skin exposure to elemental fluorine will produce burns as deep and severe as the flame from an oxy-acetylene welding torch...ooowch, that is MEAN stuffshocked


Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
(Hive Bee)
09-05-04 10:39
No 529670
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      Not to mention of course that Fluorine ...     

Not to mention of course that Fluorine poisoning would also be the result of such exposure.

Fuck the creationists - MC Hawking
(Hive Bee)
09-05-04 11:30
No 529673
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      I am well aware of both the reactivity and...     

I am well aware of both the reactivity and toxicity of fluorine, the german limit of 0.1 ppm exposure level is well justifiedlaugh

Lets just say I intend to have both a large amount of calcium gluconate gell around, and 5% aq. solution for subcutaneous injection should things go wrong.

I just needed to know wether a tank of fluorine itself would be watched by LE, because I would rather not prepare it myself from anhydrous HF/NaF electrolysis or horrendously expensive xenon difluoride etc.

Beesides, for my experiments, the fluorine has to bee available on tap, at PRESCISELY the right moment.

Beesides, standard diatomic fluorine is going to bee nothing compared to when it has been ionised/monatomic F.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-05-04 15:48
No 529690
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      Jeez! School boys wanting to reduce PH3 to P...     

Jeez! School boys wanting to reduce PH3 to P and handle fluorine, without access to a real laboratory...
You really have no idea. Just forget all those great ideas and do something useful with your time. To answer your question: nobody will sell you fluorine, and yes, the cops will show up hopefully in time to save yourself and the neighborhood.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
09-05-04 17:22
No 529702
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Lestat, you got me seriously worried for your health when I read Post 529619 (Lestat: "Phosphine reduction of pfed w/o I2?", Stimulants) but now when I saw this I'm convinced that you are completely crazy. Keep away from poisonous gases!
Well, luckily nobody will sell a flourine tank to some individual without a security certificate. Sometimes, I must just say "thanks god for such laws", even though I course the law every each time I need a chemical that would look completely innocent when compared to F2.

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Heavyweight Chempion(eer))
09-05-04 22:24
No 529754

I am well aware of both the reactivity and toxicity of fluorine, the german limit of 0.1 ppm exposure level is well justified.

That is what you say. But from your posts I can see that you have no idea of what you are talking about. If you actually were capable of handling fluorine you would not need to ask this silly question. Forget it! How about starting  with your "wet" organic syntheses in a division more in line with your capabilities?

Severe Aztecoholic and President of Sooty's fanclub - Sooty for President!!
(Hive Bee)
09-05-04 23:47
No 529768
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      I didn't have any intention of cooking meth...     

I didn't have any intention of cooking meth with PH3/othe P hydrides, I was merely curious if it was possible to do so.

As for the fluorine, you're all probably right about that, my question was more on wether it was actually legal to possess F for a private citizen in the UKcrazy

Oh well...

Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
09-14-04 20:43
No 531326
      Uh I suggest you steer clear of this one if...     

Uh I suggest you steer clear of this one if you value your lungs.

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