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All 5 posts   Subject: Help needed Journal of Pharmaceutical Science!   Please login to post   Down

09-05-04 11:40
No 529674
      Help needed Journal of Pharmaceutical Science!     

Hi Bees!
Ive been trying to watch an article from the Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 1973, april, 62(4).
Medline (PMID=4698977).
I dont know how will I be able to read this, so if you can please help :) Thanks!
(Hive Bee)
09-05-04 14:30
No 529685
      You have to be subscribed to that journal if...     

You have to be subscribed to that journal if  you want to access articles online.
(Hive Bee)
09-05-04 18:07
No 529707
User Picture 
      Wanted References     

You could always ask the other bees for a favour - Post 217986 (Rhodium: "Wanted references", Novel Discourse)
(Chief Bee)
09-05-04 21:06
No 529732
User Picture 
      The 1973 stuff is only available offline     

The 1973 issues are too ancient to be available online (as are most pre-1995 journals), see their full listing at J. Pharm. Sci. [Journal Home] (

I believe your best bet is to either visit your local university library and ask for it there, or follow the above advice from longimanus.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
09-05-04 23:05
No 529761

and if you do request the article, it's probably a good idea to include a blurb/the abstract.
i can only talk for myself, but if i'm actually interested in the article the chance that
i move my lazy ass to the library is increased by a factor of at least 10^3...

"And you for sure cant read nor write assembler, idiot." - a sad fool.

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