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All 10 posts   Subject: suspected DEA users   Thread closed   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 11:08
No 529876
      suspected DEA users     

Theoretically what would someone do or who would someone talk to if they had suspected a hive user of being a DEA agent or some other form of legal 'luring' scum?
Reason SWIM says this is because surely one could ignore the user, but if someone posts the nickname to a forum here, it may signal to other people that may have recieved the same generic message, meaning the user has selected active participants and tried to see if someone would fall into thier 'trap'.
[edit] ..especially when the user has made 0 posts and has been registered a little over a month. something doesn't add up.
(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 12:03
No 529879
      Don't worry about it man, just bee careful...     

Bound to be str8 people who have stumbled onto the site, idiots who just post for the sake of it, and LE. Its a public website and anyone can go on the internet and visit the hive. So dude no point wasting energy stressing about it. No bee would be happy about it, but we can't do much. LE have same right to browse the board as anyone unfortuately. But LE have no power here, anyway, all they can do is snoop... Just don't go getting conned by any to do deals or meet up or anything and you will be fine.


"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on"
(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 12:36
No 529880
      Heh, no stress on my end, just wasn't sure if...     

Heh, no stress on my end, just wasn't sure if moderators wished upon the divulging of suspected users, that's all. SWIM informed the user of the appropriate statements.
(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 16:59
No 529910
User Picture 
      Strange PM     

Swim once got a PM from someone wishing to in his words "purchase some major weight".  Swim searched the dudes username and their were no posts from it. 

Swim also informed a moderator and he said that it indeed reeked of bacon and anyone to participate in it would deserve what they got.   I agree.


09-06-04 17:52
No 529918
User Picture 
      Inform a moderator or an administrator     

There is no question what to do!!! Inform a moderator or an administrator!!! Those people will be banned (usually after internal discussions) and care will be taken that they are not registering a new user name.

Or do you want such assholes to trick fellow bees into their dirty traps?
(soccer mom)
09-06-04 20:12
No 529943
User Picture 
      It happens...     

Even though I'm sure there are a few around here, the fact of someone not posting isn't reason enough to be suspicious.  I figure there are several that have been registered for years and never posted.  They've signed up just so they could have access to read all the forums.  IMO, a narc will, more than likely, be trying to make conversation with anyone and everyone that he can.

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 21:47
No 529967
      Of course theres plenty of DEA, cops, and...     

Of course theres plenty of DEA, cops, and reporters on sites like this. You should just assume this and use judgement when interacting with people you don't know (or even those you think you do).
(Hive Addict)
09-06-04 22:26
No 529983
User Picture 
      New + Talking About Illegal Activities     

If you've never heard of them before and right off the bat they try to start taliking about doing things _with_you_ that are way illegal go ahead and be super suspicious.

united black NASCAR drivers of America
09-08-04 06:36
No 530276
User Picture 

Yes, exactly. So nobody would expect someone like me for
example. You have nothing to fear with me, no sir E. Bob.

PM me for good drug deals!
(Hive Addict)
09-08-04 07:41
No 530283
User Picture 
      How About this One?     

Hey bees!

I just found a few giant barrels O'phedrine* in Grampa's old workshop. But I haven't a clue what to do with it.

* or red phosphorous, or I2, or P2P, or imitation root beer extract etc, etc.........

Although this exact ploy and PM'd variations seem to have dropped off as of late I'm sure it'll rear it's idiotic head yet again.

he's either got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon has a brilliant idea

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