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All 5 posts   Subject: THE HIVE   Please login to post   Down

09-06-04 23:15
No 529995
      THE HIVE     

Could someone tell me how did the Hive originate? ive been reading here for couple years now. are there any other places similar to this?
(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 23:21
No 529997

That site is more for discusing experiences and qualitative effects, and attracts alot more noobies/idiots.

That site focuses more on the pills/blotter that is floating around and again, qualitative effects.  They also have a big push on politics and a huge user base...

However, The Hive is still the best imho.  This forum is less bs more useful knowledge.
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
09-06-04 23:52
No 530006
User Picture 
      See here: Post 517501     

See here:

Post 517501 (Unobtainium: "the first meeting", The Couch)

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Addict)
09-07-04 10:36
No 530104
      Post 190006     

Post 190006 (Rhodium: "The History of the Hive - a beeography", The Couch)

(Hive Bee)
09-08-04 17:06
No 530323
      Wicked man     

Loose fuck I always wondered who Strike was. I used to have TSII but lost it, but for some reason I sorta thought he was a female! No idea why. Now I finally know who Strike is. Bummer thou that I found out cause he got got busted. At least he will have a lot of support. Think that all went down when I was in jail, thats why missed it back then in '02.
Man there is some good reading in there. Takes me back to my own beginning too ha ha. Those early days were awesome man. Anyone remember the Spitball 'Dihyrogen Monoxide' thread, telling some kid to go find this stuff cause it was the meanest best solvent out? Funny shit man.
And this:
That almost brings a tear to the eye, I tell ya...
Ahh, the good old days. Man I love you guys... blush(sniff)
Long live the Hive and Rhodium and Rhodiums site too, these are the things that allow us to be free... cool


"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on"

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