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All 8 posts   Subject: Phosphorus nitrides   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-07-04 03:19
No 530042
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      Phosphorus nitrides     

Hey beez and gurlz, I was wondering, I want to an experiment for my project on phosphorus, apparently, there is a green allotrope of P, formed by quenching P vapor from 1200 C down to -200, I was thinking of using liquid nitrogen for this, but what is the likelyhood of forming one of the nitrides instead by that procedure?

If it seems likely that nitrides would bee formed, I intend to use helium instead as is of course, inert, its just that liquid nitrogen is a lot more accessible than liquid helium, and safer too IMO as it doesn't do the bose-einstein thing and crawl up the sides of the containerlaugh

Any other info on this green polymorph/allotrope would be appreciated too, as there is none whatsoever on googlefrown


Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
(Hive Bee)
09-10-04 03:38
No 530582
      where did you see that "green phos"...     

where did you see that "green phos" exists?
i can find nothing anywhere about that.
the only "exotic" allotrope i know of is black phosphorous.

what sort of setupdo you use to quench the P vapor?
i guess you could inject liquid N2 into a hot tube furnace but that would blow the fuck up (thermal shock, etc)...i just don't see what sort of setup youd use.

why not avoid the nitride problem and difficulty of liquid Helium by cooling a container of glass beads or something with liquid N2, then vacuum pumping it to low vacuum, then allowing the hot P vapor to get sucked into it.

at any rate it sounds like were venturing off more towards chemical physics and away from organic chemistry.
(Hive Bee)
09-10-04 16:50
No 530663
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      There was a post referring to it on ...     

There was a post referring to it on, there was a passing talk of a blue form too, but I don't know if that was just a rumour.

Apparently there are some wierd forms, like P fullerene structures, a gray polymorph, and some strange brown allotrope.

I am thinking of heating the white P up and pumping the vapors into a container of liquid nitrogen or helium and condensing them therein.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
(Hive Bee)
09-10-04 17:04
No 530664
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      I am thinking of heating the white P up and...     

I am thinking of heating the white P up and pumping the vapors into a container of liquid nitrogen or helium and condensing them therein.

Lestat, you trully have an obsessive dead wish. I just hope you only do this things in your imagination. Obviously you are just dreaming since there is no chance you would have access to liquid helium.
But just in case you don't awake in time:

Keep away from toxic, highly flamable and pyrophoric chemicals!!!

WTF do you need white or any other exotic phosphorous anyway?

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Hive Bee)
09-10-04 18:01
No 530666
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      Phosphorus chemistry and allotropy is a pet...     

Phosphorus chemistry and allotropy is a pet interest of mine, I have worked with white P before, I am REALLY careful with it and do appreciate the hazards and toxicity, you just have to treat white P with extreme care and respect, I have been working on a project, studying phosphorus allotropy and polymorphism.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
09-15-04 19:54
No 531495
      completely off-topic!     

yes, that's all very funny and stuff,

but this has _nothing_ to do with the chemistry of psychoactive compounds. please
move this and oncoming unrelated topics to the couch.

"And you for sure cant read nor write assembler, idiot." - orgy.
(Hive Bee)
09-15-04 22:55
No 531505
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      Liquid Helium     

This is not any more dangerous than liquid nitrogen. It is not watched. Give a story, provide a dewar and you can just buy it. Not suspicous at all. It is expensive stuff.

Someone once poured a gallon of liquid nitrogen down the back of the plastic chair I was sitting in. I was wearing tracksuit bottoms and the liquid nitrogen filled my underpants and was sloshing around my scrotal sac. You have a few seconds to act before the vapour barrier dissipates. I  immediately dropped my tracksuit bottoms and pants to avoid frostbite when my boss walked in. Nice.

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(Hive Bee)
09-16-04 02:50
No 531554
User Picture 
      I sure hope you are joking about having liquid     

I sure hope you are joking about having liquid nitrogen poured down your pants, that would NOT be a pleasant experience methinksblush

Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior

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