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All 6 posts   Subject: cross-sensitization between amphetamine and NaCl   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-08-04 09:55
No 530290
      cross-sensitization between amphetamine and NaCl     

Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2004 Aug;78(4):691-8

Reciprocal cross-sensitization between amphetamine and salt appetite.

Clark JJ, Bernstein IL.

Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Box 351525 Guthrie Hall, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.

Previous work in our laboratory has demonstrated a potentiation of the psychomotor effects of amphetamine in animals with a history of sodium depletion, a process referred to as cross-sensitization. The present studies were done to further develop this finding by assessing multiple effects of amphetamine in rats with and without a history of sodium depletion. For Experiments 1-3, rats were depleted of sodium twice then subjected to one of three experimental procedures [open-field activity, conditioned place preference (CPP) and conditioned taste aversion (CTA)]. A history of depletion produced an elevation in the psychomotor effects of amphetamine. CPP, used to assess the rewarding properties of amphetamine, developed in rats with a history of depletion but not in controls. The aversive component of amphetamine as measured by CTA was unaffected by previous experience with sodium depletion. Finally, acute salt appetite after depletion was assessed in rats exposed to a sensitizing regimen of amphetamine. Animals with a drug history demonstrated a significant elevation in NaCl solution intake after depletion in comparison to controls. Together, the data provide strong evidence for the reciprocal cross-sensitization of salt appetite and response to amphetamine.


Any ideas why this happens?
(Hive Bee)
09-08-04 11:07
No 530296
      Cross-sensitization between amphetamine and salt     

Any ideas why this happens?

Hopefully the full article can shed some light on your question:

Reciprocal cross-sensitization between amphetamine and salt appetite
Jeremy J. Clark*, Ilene L. Bernstein
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior
78 (2004) 691–698

Previous work in our laboratory has demonstrated a potentiation of the psychomotor effects of amphetamine in animals with a history of sodium depletion, a process referred to as cross-sensitization. The present studies were done to further develop this finding by assessing multiple effects of amphetamine in rats with and without a history of sodium depletion. For Experiments 1–3, rats were depleted of sodium twice then subjected to one of three experimental procedures [open-field activity, conditioned place preference (CPP) and conditioned taste aversion (CTA)]. A history of depletion produced an elevation in the psychomotor effects of amphetamine. CPP, used to assess the rewarding properties of amphetamine, developed in rats with a history of depletion but not in controls. The aversive component of amphetamine as measured by CTA was unaffected by previous experience with sodium depletion. Finally, acute salt appetite after depletion was assessed in rats exposed to a sensitizing regimen of amphetamine. Animals with a drug history demonstrated a significant elevation in NaCl solution intake after depletion in comparison to controls. Together, the data provide strong evidence for the reciprocal cross-sensitization of salt appetite and response to amphetamine.

(Hive Bee)
09-08-04 18:29
No 530331
      Thanks Kinetic, your a champ! :-)     

Thanks Kinetic, your a champ! smile
(Hive Addict)
09-08-04 18:53
No 530335
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      Meth Induced Hypo Glycemia     

Most animals I've seen with long term exposure to amphetamine seem to have a pesrsistent weight gain that I link to the amphetamine based hypo glycemia that they experience when on the drug.

Just substitute "blood sugar depletion" with sodium into the article above and it might nearly explain the phenomenon I've witnessed.

I'm not fat I've just been doing meth for too long.

he's either got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon has a brilliant idea
(Hive Addict)
09-08-04 20:55
No 530345
      and amphetamines were once used as ...     

and amphetamines were once used as "slimming agents" because they make you fatter?

(Hive Addict)
09-08-04 21:19
No 530350
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      Once used     

Once is the important word.

They'll work if eating is properly regulated.

If the individual frequebntly goes into "starvation" mode weight gain often results. This becomes more likely the longer they are used in such a way in which the body's "starvation mode" is activated. The the body will then tend to store and hang onto to anything that is eaten in the form of fat unitl a new metabolic model is given to it.

Overweight regular meth users are rather common. Particularly ones who have passed a few of their own natural decreases in metabolism. If food intake and excercise are kept regular this doesn't tend to happen. It's the spastic habits that tend to bring it on.

he's either got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon has a brilliant idea

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