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(Chief Bee)
09-08-04 22:37
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      E-Book: Assessing Drugs Reinforcing Properties
(Rated as: good read)

Methods of Assessing the Reinforcing Properties of Abused Drugs
M.A. Bozarth (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York (1987)
ISBN: 0387966250 [658 pages]

T a b l e  o f  C o n t e n t s

Foreword (
(Michael A. Bozarth)

Self-Administration Studies

Chapter 1:
Intravenous self-administration: Response rates, the effects of pharmacological challenges, and drug preferences. (
Robert A. Yokel.

Chapter 2:
Screening for drug reinforcement using intravenous self-administration in the rat. (
James R. Weeks & R. James Collins.

Chapter 3:
Assessing drugs for abuse liability and dependence potential in laboratory primates. (
J. R. Brady, R. R. Griffiths, R. D. Hienz, N. A. Ator, S. E. Lukas, & R. J. Lamb.

Chapter 4:
Interpretation of lesion effects on stimulant self-administration. (
D. C. S. Roberts & K. A. Zito.

Chapter 5:
Second-order schedules of drug reinforcement. (
Jonathan L. Katz & Steven R. Goldberg.

Chapter 6:
Intravenous drug self-administration: A special case of positive reinforcement. (
Roy A. Wise.

Chapter 7:
Oral drug self-administration: Drugs as reinforcers. (
Richard A. Meisch & Marilyn E. Carroll.

Chapter 8:
Oral self-administration of alcohol: A valid approach to the study of drug self-administration and human alcoholism. (
Z. Amit, B. R. Smith, & E. A. Sutherland.

Chapter 9:
Intracranial self-administration procedures for the assessment of drug reinforcement. (
Michael A. Bozarth.

Chapter 10:
Prediction of drug abuse liability from animal studies. (
Tomoji Yanagita.

Conditioning Studies

Chapter 11:
Conditioned reinforcement as a measure of the rewarding properties of drugs. (
W. Marvin Davis & Stanley G. Smith.

Chapter 12:
Reinstatement of drug-taking behavior as a method of assessing the incentive motivational properties of drugs. (
Jane Stewart & Harriet de Wit.

Chapter 13:
Place conditioning: A simple and effective method for assessing the motivational properties of drug. (
Derek van der Kooy.

Chapter 14:
Conditioned place preference: A parametric analysis using systemic heroin injections. (
Michael A. Bozarth

Chapter 15:
Anatomical and neurochemical substrates of drug reward determined by the conditioned place preference technique. (
Anthony G. Phillips & Hans C. Fibiger.

Drug Discrimination Studies

Chapter 16:
Applications and limitations of the drug discrimination method for the study of drug abuse. (
Donald A. Overton.

Chapter 17:
Drug discrimination: Methods of manipulation, measurement, and analysis. (
Francis C. Colpaert.

Chapter 18:
The study of structure-activity relationships using drug discrimination methodology. (
Richard A. Glennon & Richard Young.

Brain Stimulation Reward Studies

Chapter 19:
Tests involving pressing for intracranial stimulation as an early procedure for screening likelihood of addiction of opioids and other drugs. ( Larry D. Reid.

Chapter 20:
Brain-stimulation reward: Measurement and mapping by psychophysical techniques and quantitative 2-[14C] deoxyglucose autoradiography. (
Ralph U. Esposito, Linda J. Porrino, & Thomas F. Seeger.

Chapter 21:
A comparison of two methods designed to rapidly estimate thresholds of rewarding brain stimulation. (
George Fouriezos & Edward Nawiesniak.

Chapter 22:
A multifunctional on-line brain stimulation system: Investigation of alcohol and aging effects. (
Michael J. Lewis & Richard W. Phelps.

Chapter 23:
Combined microinjection and brain stimulation reward methodology for the localization of reinforcing drug effects. (
Chris L. E. Broekkamp.

Assessment in Humans

Chapter 24:
Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI): Measurement of euphoria and other drug effects. (
Charles A. Haertzen & John E. Hickey.

Chapter 25:
Operant analysis of human drug self-administration: Marihuana, alcohol, heroin, and polydrug use. (
Nancy K. Mello & Jack H. Mendelson.

Chapter 26:
A drug preference procedure for use with human volunteers. (
H. de Wit & C. E. Johanson.

Chapter 27:
Clinical procedures for the assessment of abuse potential. (
Jack E. Henningfield, Rolley E. Johnson, & Donald R. Jasinski.

Other Considerations

Chapter 28:
Operationalizing and measuring the organizing influence of drugs on behavior. (
Normal M. White, Claude Messier, & Geoffrey D. Carr.

Chapter 29:
The mouse as a subject in the study of neural mechanisms of reward. (
Hugh E. Criswell.

Chapter 30:
An overview of assessing drug reinforcement. (
Michael A. Bozarth.

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