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All 4 posts   Subject: ethamivan   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-10-04 23:22
No 530707

i was wondering if anybody had any subjective knowledge on the effects of ethamivan.
most information i find seems to state it is a cns +respritory stimulant. i find it somewhat surprising it would have any cns activity considering it has a 4-hydroxy-phenyl group.
09-11-04 01:23
No 530736
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From what I have read this drug is not a CNS stimulant, it also does not selectively stimulate respiratory neurons, however it may stimulate pulmonary "chemoreflexes" which may be the reason it is called a respiratory stimulant, however that being said literature states that an increase in repiratory rate was noted but not an increase in tidal volume.  I have not heard of anything stating it's action as a "true" CNS stimulant.  Where did you find information stating it's use as a CNS stimulant? 

I personally have never heard of this drug and just did a quick medline search on it. 

Respiratory stimulant effects of ethamivan and picrotoxin.
Hirsh K, Wang SC.
Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1975 May;193(2):657-63.
Medline (PMID=1173598)

Judging by the literature, this drug was hot in the sixties, and people kind of lost interest.  There is probably a good reason for this smile



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(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 03:13
No 530773
      i saw a number of pages which sort of implied...     

i saw a number of pages which sort of implied it was a cns stimulant but most of these where of questionable reliability.
one that i saw which seemed credible was
if you scroll way down to psycho stimulants it has ethamivan listed there under a catergory of "inhibiting inhibitory circuits, along with several other drugs such as doxapram, mefexamide.
(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 14:03
No 530846
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Most of the pharmacology text books I've got state that it's a respiratory stimulant that is actually a convulsant at higher doses (similar to begramide and pentylenetetrazole), but say nothing about it being a psychostimulant or increasing locomotor activity.

Personally, I would give it a wide berth unless someone had  personal experience of it's actions

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