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All 2 posts   Subject: new happy pill - milnacipran experiences?   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 00:20
No 530726
      new happy pill - milnacipran experiences?     

hi bees,

can anyone share any experience with the new so-called happy pills containing milnacipran?
is it really as effective as it is said??

is it possible that taking diazepam at the same time causes that the antidepressive effect of milnacipran doesn't come  thru?

best regards

[0-9] agent - let me be your brain toy
(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 10:04
No 530833
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Sorry, no first hand experience.

But a good resource for this compound is
I don't think moderate use of benzodiazepines would directly interfere with the antidepressant effects of milnacipran, any more than alcohol would (to make an imprecise analogy).  Benzos work on a different system than SSRIs/SNRIs.

It looks like milnacipran would have a tendency towards stimulant effects compared to venlafaxine (Effexor).  The Forced Swimming Test is used to test for antidepressant effects; rats will become hopeless and quit swimming or trying to climb out of the water.  SSRIs like Prozac tend to increase swimming, and stimulants like amphetamine tend to increase climbing.

According to, "The mixed NE-5-HT reuptake inhibitors milnacipran and duloxetine reduced immobility and increased climbing behavior, but did not alter swimming. Venlafaxine reduced immobility and increased swimming behavior, except at the highest dose tested (80 mg/kg), which increased both swimming and climbing behaviors."

Here are some comments from people who have actually taken it: seems like a particularly good logical approach to treating depression.  Also the combo probably wouldn't have the anti-sexual side effects of most SSRIs -- possibly the opposite in fact:

boot from the shadow of a broken mirror

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