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All 4 posts   Subject: Definition of parenteral administration   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-11-04 13:57
No 530844
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      Definition of parenteral administration     

I was wondering if rectal administration is counted as parenteral administration. The reason I ask is that DMT/5-MeO DMT are classed as only being active by parenteral administration. I imagine nasal administration is covered by the definition as they are both active by that route.

If rectal administration is covered by that definition, it would be a route by which DMT could be administered without co-administration of an MAOI, and would be (personally) preferable from smoking (dry burning horrible taste), nasal (unpleasant nasal drip) or IV use (needles in veins!!).

Antone able to help with this one

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous
(Chief Bee)
09-11-04 14:37
No 530850
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      Definition of parenteral administration     

Parenteral administration is defined as "taken into the body or administered in a manner other than through the digestive tract", as anything absorbed by the small intestine is going to undergo first-pass metabolism in the liver. Rectal administration leads to the substance being absorbed through the rectal mucosa partly into the bloodstream, and partly into the portal vein and the liver, so the effiacy is somewhere inbetween oral/nasal administration.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
09-11-04 17:39
No 530878
      para enteron= (By)passing the intestines.     

para enteron=

(By)passing the intestines. Used mostly to describe methods of administering drugs past sc. first pass metabolism. What Rhodium says is correct, during revtal administration part of the drug will go to the liver. This is highly dependent upon the formulation. I read that, it was speculated that much isn't absorbed into the enterohepatic blood flow from the very beginning of the colon...

cf. de Leede et al.: 1st Eur. Congr. Biopharm. Pharmacokin. 1981.

Actually here (de Boer: Pharm.Int. 3, 267, 1982) it's said that rectal admin. of lidocaine in rats not deeper than 4 cm! can be compared to i.v admin.

It indicates that the absorbtion is slower though. And isn't the most crucial part of the DMT experience the rapid come on. Otherwise it's might not work at all. You should try this though and report to us.

(Hive Bee)
09-13-04 06:56
No 531112
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      Way to go, rectal!     

I was actually looking to find a way of reproducing the ayahuasca effect without having to use an MAOI. Why? because one of my friends, who is the only other person I know willing to try "strange tribal concoctions" along with me, suffers from asthma, so using an MAOI would prevent him from being able to use his salbutamol inhaler (and I don't think an asthma attack in the middle of an ayahuasca experience would be something I'd want to go through).

I've only got about 100mg of DMT left from a M.hostilis extraction, so trying something experimental with it wouldn't leave enough for two people (and I'm too lazy to have to go through the whole extraction process at the minute; especially as I only have 7g of untouched rootbark left at the moment)

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous

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