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All posts   Subject: ECSTASY: The Chemical urge to love Reexamined   Please login to post  

(Hive Addict)
09-11-04 22:59
No 530927
      ECSTASY: The Chemical urge to love Reexamined     

"...So are there any contradictions if one assumes that ecstasy works by increasing levels of a particular chemical, namely serotonin?

Before I turn to exploring the contradictions I want to note the so-called phenomenon of “fad science.” We all heard of fad diets and such but for many like myself, it was hard to accept the fact that certain scientific theories are used over and over without much substance to them.

For instance, serotonin is linked to at least a dozen other drugs and disorders, particularly those of the central nervous system. They include depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, stroke, schizophrenia, obesity, pain, hypertension, vascular disorders, and even nausea and migraines! Before I turn to the problems of the serotonin hypothesis, it is important to see why it has become so popular and the types of hypothesis it has produced..."


Nature of Desire

Independent Senior Research Project 
in Neural and Behavioral Sciences
By Rachel Berman 
Advisor: Dr. Paul Grobstein, Bryn Mawr College, 2001


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