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All 2 posts   Subject: A little Biochem review for some....   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-12-04 16:34
No 531018
      A little Biochem review for some....     

Can anyone help Swim Identify this molecule?
It is supposed to be a host molecule for creatinine a creatine metabolite.
Swim has not been able to find it in the merck manual.
Also swim is to find out the resonance form of the unidentified molecule such that the Nitrogen and Oxygen atoms have a neutral charge.
Can anyone help swim?
(Hive Bee)
09-13-04 11:31
No 531136
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      Link & My Attempted Resonance Form     

I think here's the link?  formula matches, also description as dipolar... looks like pay for access

"[PDF] www . publish . csiro . au / journals / ajc
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... [6] The same authors suggest that the creatinine molecule found in the guest–host
(C 23 H 19 N 5 O 5 ) molecular complex probably exists in a dipolar ..."

Heres my attempt at the resonance form:

Molecule: ORIGINAL ("[O-]C1=C([N+]([O-])=O)C=C([N+]([O-])=O)C2=C1N=C3C(CCC4=C3N=C5C(C=CC=[N+]5[H])=C4)=C2CCCC")

Molecule: RESONANCE ("O=C3C(C(C(CCCC)=C4CC5)=C([N+]([O-])=O)C=C3[N+]([O-])=O)=NC4=C2C5=CC1=CC=CN([H])C1=N2")

boot from the shadow of a broken mirror

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