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All 2 posts   Subject: Hydro & APAP..   Please login to post   Down

(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-14-04 23:53
No 531344
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      Hydro & APAP..     

What's up folks?! In my dreams, I had 10 tabs of 7.5mg hydrocodone mixed with 500mg asprin-free. A while after adding the crushed pills to hot water and shaking the hell out of it for a few minutes, the acetaminophen starts to sink to the bottom. My question is what salt of hydro am I working with and is this salt at least fairly soluble in warm water?

Love My Country, Fear My Government
09-15-04 00:32
No 531347

It's the bitatrate salt which is soluble approx 1g in 16ml water ( and merck index). Make sure you chill the water before drinking to get most of the paracetamol out of solution. UTFSE and read any of the numerous writeups either here or at rhodiums for the procedure.

Take care of yourself

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