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All 11 posts   Subject: Philly Considers Wireless Internet for All   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-15-04 06:38
No 531405
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      Philly Considers Wireless Internet for All

By DAVID B. CARUSO, Associated Press Writer

"PHILADELPHIA - Forget finding an Internet cafe. For less than what it costs to build a small library, city officials believe they can turn all 135 square miles of Philadelphia into the world's largest wireless Internet hot spot.
The ambitious plan, now under discussion, would involve placing thousands of small transmitters around the city — probably atop lampposts. Each of these wireless hot spots would be capable of communicating with the Wi-Fi network cards that now come standard with many computers.  Once complete, the $10 million network would deliver broadband Internet almost anywhere radio waves can travel — including poor neighborhoods where high-speed Internet access is now rare..."  [article continues]

boot from the shadow of a broken mirror
(Minister of Propaganda)
09-15-04 06:43
No 531407
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      It's about time     

This is going to happen everywhere eventually. I never thought Philly would be the place to start though. Just don't do anything sneaky through the civic ISP.

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Addict)
09-15-04 08:43
No 531423

But... but that's communistic!shocked

fear fear hate hate
(Minister of Propaganda)
09-15-04 12:02
No 531445
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      So radio and TV is communist?     

So radio and TV is communist?

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Addict)
09-15-04 16:54
No 531475
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      what is communist like activity....     

So radio and TV is communist?

Unobtainium ..the answer to that question is whom you are and what you are brain washed to believe. There is a difference although, between your response and Moo comment.... with the radio and television , it's a one way street, as for the internet its interactive and is and can be monitored encroaching on the citizen's constitutional rights! I see it, java

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.......
-Emiliano Zapata-
(Hive Addict)
09-15-04 16:59
No 531477
      Of course, unless they are owned by the ...     

Of course, unless they are owned by the private sector! Even public fire and police departments are communism!

But seriously, I think it's great that somewhere internet is considered as a part of public infrastructure. I hope the idea will spread elsewhere. Obviously I've had too many discussions with libertarians who think everything should be private-owned.wink

fear fear hate hate
(Hive Bee)
09-15-04 20:07
No 531496
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I thought communism was the extreme of the workers controlling the means of production.

State owned services is not communism. Socialism or state capitalism maybe.

All of the public services in Britain worked just fine until the capitalist zealots started fucking with them and selling them off. Up goes price, down goes service quality. Gas, Electricity, Water, Royal Mail, Telephones, Television, Parks, Government Records, public housing. Everything was sold off to corporations for pennies in the pound. The country was raped. Now they are starting to sell off schools and health services. Everything will be owned by unaccountable corporations milking the public.

Are you, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
(Minister of Propaganda)
09-15-04 22:45
No 531503
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      The fact that it is interactive and can be...     

The fact that it is interactive and can be monitored has nothing to do with communism, unless you were brainwashed by the Cold War propaganda to believe that the KGB spied on their own people. They probably did, but no more than any of the three letter agencies of any other country. Spying is not an inherent part of communism, it's an inherent part of government.

I can't wait until there is cheap wireless access from everywhere in the world. Broadband should be required by law.

And they can see you through the television.
(Hive Bee)
09-15-04 23:07
No 531507
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      Wireless Good     

Fibre better. State regulated fibre with ISPs competing to provide services over it. Everyone gets a connection mandatory. Would cheap c.f. invading Iraq and possibly more beneficial.

Are you, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
(Minister of Propaganda)
09-16-04 02:31
No 531547
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Wireless with unlimited roaming is the only way to go. You'd be pretty much anonymous on a public wifi network unless you started volunteering your own personal information.

I would have nuked every baby in Iraq for free unlimited broadband.
(Hive Addict)
09-21-04 19:49
No 532550
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      Strap In...     

It won't be long now!
Actually I'd like to believe that Unob is right about that anonymity factor...
Streaming....wireless....and a new backbone might make it easier to locate a box than a Cellphone or Satelite LowJack devices...
IMHO...The stage is set, the characters cast, and what should be the advancement into the information age will be the silencing factor for most. That is just my opinion based on the Implied and Intended Privacy Rights and the Actual ones that we're extended and granted as citizens!

Here's some more recent additions already on the bandwagon:

MiWiFi Brings Wireless Internet to State Parks, Marinas, Rest Areas and Welcome Centers
Just in time for Labor Day, wireless internet can be added to the list of "must-haves" for Michigan travelers.  The State of Michigan and SBC Communications have announced that wireless Internet access, or WiFi, is now available at the Holland State Park and the Grand Haven State Park, the first two state parks in the nation to provide this service.

MiWiFi is powered by the SBC FreedomLink Wi-Fi service and will soon be available in many other state parks, welcome centers and rest areas across the state.  The service will enable travelers to wirelessly connect to the Internet at speeds 50 to 100 times faster than dial-up.  Customers can gain access to a FreedomLink hotspot when in an approximately 150-foot range of its location.

FreedomLink service at Michigan recreational areas will be available for $7.95 for a 24-hour session.  Monthly SBC FreedomLink memberships are available for $19.95 and provide unlimited access to all FreedomLink hotspots.  Travelers and vacationers will have free access to, the state's top-rated Internet website.  Free access is also planned for sometime next year.

Teri Takai, Director of the Michigan Department of Information Technology (MDIT) made the announcement on Wednesday, September 1st in front of a crowd at the Holland State Park.  "MiWiFi is a shining example of how strong partnership and collaboration can bring great benefits to our citizens," commented Takai.  She praised the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Transportation, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and SBC for their collaboration on this effort.

MiWiFi is also a strong example of the public-private partnerships MDIT continues to foster in an effort to promote the state's technology agenda.  Michigan recently topped a national survey that ranked the use of information technology to transform and improve government.  The Digital States Survey, conducted by the Center for Digital Government, recognized Michigan as a leader in e-government.  The MiWiFi project is yet another example of Michigan's leading-edge uses of technology in government.

Laptops were made available at the Holland State Park event for members of the media and general public to try out this new service.

If it ain't ain't been tryin hard enough!
(Here...let me at it!)wink

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