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Law and Order  

All 7 posts   Subject: GHB/GBL in France   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-18-04 20:54
No 532031
      GHB/GBL in France     

Hello - just a question: any bees here who know if GHB and/or GBL are still legal and available in France?

Thanks very much!

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
(Hive Addict)
09-18-04 23:36
No 532057
      Post 475390     


Post 475390 (Rhodium: "French controlled precursors/drugs", Law and Order)

(Hive Bee)
09-19-04 10:53
No 532133
      Hey Jsorex, i know, and i already got through...     

Hey Jsorex, i know, and i already got through that texts, where i couldn't find anything like Gamma butyro lactone, Methyl ethyl ketone or any other related names, synonymes or what ever (thank god?). This might of course simply result of my ignorance of the french language. What i meant is (i don't think this goes into asking for naming sources): I several countries i know MEK or GBL or any useful precursor for GHB (not to mention GHB itself) are not even available as paint stripper anymore without signature, passport and so on (if so at all), so i was interested if the situation in France would be as worse, too.
Maybe one can just go to the pharmacie and buy some GHB there and i simply don't know (ok, very unlikely, but well), or one could get at least some GBL at the hardware store ...

thanks anyway for the links!

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
(Hive Addict)
09-19-04 11:40
No 532143
      Annexe III Cette annexe comprend : les ...     

No, you cannot buy GHB in a pharmacy, you need a prescription for the injectable, and that you will not get anywhere. Mek is class 3 precursor. And GBL is most likely not available in the hardware store, is not mentioned in these references, but is probably watched.

Annexe  III

Cette annexe comprend :   les substances ci-après désignées ;
  leurs stéréo-isomères, dans tous les cas où ils peuvent exister conformément а la désignation chimique spécifiée, pour les substances précédées d'un astérisque (13) ;
  leurs sels dans tous les cas où ils peuvent exister ;
  les préparations de ces substances, а l'exception de celle nommément désignées ci-dessous ;
GHB ou acide gamma-hydroxybutyrique,  а l'exception des préparations injectables (15)

Substances répertoriées en 3ème catégorie

Ether éthylique.
Méthyléthylcétone (MEK).
Permanganate de potassium.
Acide sulfurique.
Acide chlorhydrique.

(Hive Bee)
09-19-04 11:51
No 532147
      Ouch, didn't search with accents, thanks ...     

Ouch, didn't search with accents, thanks Jsorex!
Would have been to easy anyway ...

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
(Hive Addict)
09-19-04 14:46
No 532161
      yeah it's good that you leave these "too...     

yeah it's good that you leave these "too easy" things like reading for me, as then you can concentrate on something more important like coming up with the next dumb question that anybody who knows what google is can find an answer to in 1.2 seconds.

It's good that your attention span is long enough that you actually searched a one page article...

(Hive Bee)
09-19-04 16:28
No 532167
      aah, really sorry, don't be too harsh, i was...     

aah, really sorry, don't be too harsh, i was really searching, maybe with the wrong terms, sackclothes and ashes, mea culpa  and so on, but why did you search it up for me then? I'd never expect you to do so ... your first ustfe whould have been advice enough.

By the way - most of that stuff is written in french which only the french classify as as widely used and as understandable as english to the world :)
Thanks and sorry again.

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -

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