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All 5 posts   Subject: Teratogenic Effects of Drugs: A Resource   Please login to post   Down

(exotic beauty)
09-20-04 20:08
No 532365
User Picture 
      Teratogenic Effects of Drugs: A Resource     

I would like to purchase a book called, "Teratogenic Effects of Drugs: A Resource for Clinicians" (TERIS) by J. M., Md, Ph.D. Friedman. Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press; 2nd edition (July 15, 2000) ISBN: 0801863872

but because it is kind of expensive, i would like to ask if anyone knows of this book? ie. whether it is as informative as it looks? thanks.

Free Speech Free Choice
(Hive Bee)
09-20-04 20:46
No 532368
      Have you checked     

They have one (2nd Ed, used) for under $20.00, which beats the $150-200 price for a new one.  For that price, I'd roll the dice and go for it...
(exotic beauty)
09-21-04 16:04
No 532516
User Picture     

no, i had not heard of it. i couldn't believe that this book, which costs so much at amazon, was a mere pittance at alibris. you just saved me a ton of money. thanks!


seeking a country of refuge out of the u.s.
(Hive Bee)
09-21-04 23:13
No 532584
User Picture is even better place to find used books, cheapest price for that book is $4.95 smile

And you can support erowid for no cost just buying books from abebooks (or from amazon) through that page:

Kahlil Gibran: Sand and Foam (1926) (
(Hive Bee)
09-22-04 08:00
No 532661
      The better deal...     

Aztec--I'm glad you were able to grab a copy--sorry we didn't know about 7is' recommendation earlier, you could have saved a few more bucks!  Enjoy...

7is-thanks for the tip.  I never heard of them but will check it out.  (I like to support Erowid also.)

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