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All 7 posts   Subject: Got Cut?   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-20-04 21:24
No 532372
      Got Cut?     


I don't know how many Bees have seen this already, but I thought it would be a good idea to post this.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Hive Addict)
09-20-04 22:31
No 532386
User Picture 
      Resized jpg     

That's a pretty hefty image ya got therewink
While I'm sure it's appreciated...I don't have a 51" big screen monitor to view it all on!tongue
I shrank the jpg down to a readable size to fit it all on the screen and optimized it some shrinking the kb to load faster for dial-up users.
You can use the one I created.
Just put this file in between the upload tags to replace the monstronsity!cool


If it ain't ain't been tryin hard enough!
(Here...let me at it!)wink
09-21-04 01:39
No 532412
User Picture 


Source, please?

Learning is a treasure which accompanies its owner everywhere.
(Hive Bee)
09-21-04 02:15
No 532415
      Well... I actually was thinking about making...     

Well... I actually was thinking about making the image smaller so it could fit on the page nicely, but I didn't consider the image to be large as it's only 358KB. I have resized it to 1024x721 so that should fit better on most people's monitors. Stonium, I found this at while I was searching for info about growing Coca. This website could never compare to Rhodium's in my opinion, but they do have a lot of info and some really nice pictures.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Hive Addict)
09-21-04 03:10
No 532426
User Picture 

I resized it to 750x529 to get it to fit on the hive without scrolling.
And took it from 358kb down to 147kb to retain the image quality since the type is so small
That's the best I could do.
Feel free to use it if you like.
Just tryin to help.
Mods...Please feel free to remove my posts here in this thread once the pic is fixed.

If it ain't ain't been tryin hard enough!
(Here...let me at it!)wink
09-21-04 17:30
No 532526
User Picture 
      Clorox test     

I thought the clorox test was dismissed as a load of crap.'s turtles all the way down!
(Hive Addict)
09-23-04 01:28
No 532765
User Picture 
      it works..sort of     

although its not the bee all and end all.

i always throw a pinch into bleach water to see anything obvious like color changes.

its by no means a sure test for purity however.

Ph # 954-287-0023

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