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All 3 posts   Subject: We Be High   Please login to post   Down

(soccer mom)
09-21-04 03:08
No 532424
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      We Be High     

If you like to use marijuana and you enjoy travelling, you should visit this site which will: "bring you relevant information (Marijuana prices, legalization status, Enforcement policy, locations, etc.) designed to help you locate where and how estimate soft drugs like Marijuana and Hashish policy in 60 major European cities, in order to help you asses and decide if you want to chose that option while traveling." If you want to take a risk, it pays to know what you are doing -- especially when you are away from your home turf.

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.
09-21-04 08:27
(Rated as: insignificant)
09-22-04 03:07
      Oh... sorry. I mistook this for the Ebonics...
(Rated as: insignificant)

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