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All 3 posts   Subject: MEK GHB/GBL   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-21-04 19:19
No 532539
      MEK GHB/GBL     

SWIM is sure he read some articles or posts in other forums that claimed MEK could be ingested instead of GBL, say, from Nail Cleaner and so on.

Now, after annoying some other bees with dumb GHB related questions SWIM tried to find that information again and also used the Hive's FSSE on it for some days, but ... nothing. Was it just pure misinformation? Did he dream? Is he a victim of Substance D??
Is there ANY connection between MEK and GHB/GBL of any kind? Like bioessay, Synth, whatever?

Help out a weird old nutbar, he hopes one day he'll be able to pay back to the hive everything he owes it ... (oh dear, already quite a lot crazy)

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
(Hive Bee)
09-21-04 19:38
No 532543
User Picture 
      Eeuuuch! MEK is similar to acetone, have a...     

Eeuuuch! MEK is similar to acetone, have a look at this MSDS, you will see it is fairly unpleasant stuff, quite toxic.

I dunno if you have ever smelled the stuff, it makes a great solvent for stripping matchbooks, but it smells absolutely foul, I find it to have a transparent, slightly mint-like sweetish smell, quite stomache turning.

As for it' suse as a precursor, I have often wondered the same myself, maybe to butyric acid or possibly GHB, any bees no if it's possible?

Over unity and rivers of blood for all!
(Hive Bee)
09-21-04 19:47
No 532548
      Thanks LeStat, at least you hindered SWIM from     

Thanks LeStat, at least you hindered SWIM from poisoning himself a rather unpleasant way - darn, if he could only remember where he read this ...

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -

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