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Law and Order  

All 5 posts   Subject: Legal RP and I2   Please login to post   Down

09-22-04 20:55
No 532735
      Legal RP and I2     

Swim can get RP and I2 legal in his country, is it  illegal for swim to sell to persons in other countrys.
09-22-04 21:39
No 532739
      No problem     

there is no problem but if swim sell stuff to US swim should never go to US or you could go in jail, swim wants to sell to USA or in Europe is the bigger problem how to get pfed, pseudoephedrine.

Ne deutsche Antwort würde ich besser verstehen.
(Hive Bee)
09-23-04 03:43
No 532793
      for starters I would read this

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
09-23-04 11:12
No 532821
      Re: there is no problem but if swim sell stuff     

there is no problem but if swim sell stuff to US swim should never go to US or you could go in jail

the DEA is known to make house calls to other countries...happened to a guy i met who owned a feedstore in TJ...couldn't keep his mouth shut about owning Ttokkyo Labs...

09-23-04 11:39
No 532822
User Picture 

This thread is a great way to hook bees. Why didn't I
think about that..

"seriously thishomo internet shit needs to stop" -mcrandom

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