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09-23-04 01:57
No 532776
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      New Wave of Colombia Drug Kingpins Emerges     

New Wave of Colombia Drug Kingpins Emerges

September 22, 2004

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- A new wave of drug kingpins is emerging in Colombia -- traffickers who operate from the shadows, seeking only profits and avoiding the excesses of previous generations of drug lords, a top intelligence official said.

"They're basically dedicated to laundering profits in the international financial system, and they're experts in marketing," Col. Oscar Naranjo, head of Colombia's judicial police, said Tuesday in an interview with The Associated Press.

Previous generations of traffickers led lavish lifestyles, and some like Pablo Escobar even ran for political office, raising their profile and attracting the interest of law enforcement.

Naranjo, one of Colombia's most respected law enforcement officers who works closely with U.S. drug agents, said the development of drug trafficking in Colombia, the world's main source of cocaine, can be broken down into generations.

-- The first generation, in the 1960s and 1970s, smuggled tons of marijuana from the mountains of Colombia to the United States.

-- Moving into cocaine trafficking, the second generation was headed by Escobar's Medellin cocaine cartel, which waged a bloody terrorist campaign of bombings and assassinations in the 1980s to avoid being extradited to the United States. Escobar was killed by police in 1993, after the heyday of the Medellin cartel was already over.

-- The third generation, headed by the Cali cartel, was "more sophisticated" and tried to corrupt politicians to escape justice instead of ruling by brute force, but still remained in the public spotlight.

Now, in addition to leftist rebels, their right-wing paramilitary foes, and the Northern Valley cartel which is an offshoot of the Cali mob, the fourth generation of traffickers has emerged, the police commander said.

"Today, they want to be invisible," Naranjo, wearing a sober business suit, said in the interview at the AP offices in Bogota. "We don't even know the names of the big capos."

The new drug traffickers are harder to track since they, unlike their predecessors, are not the ones producing or monitoring the production of the drugs, Naranjo said.

Instead, these new traffickers simply purchase the cocaine and heroin from the rebel and paramilitary groups in Colombia that over several years have set up large, well-protected cocaine production facilities in Colombia's jungles.

While drug trafficking used to revolve around a few kingpins such as Escobar, today the business has become a free market, replete with subcontractors. Those interested in trafficking drugs can negotiate with various groups to buy cocaine and heroin and then separately deal with transporting the drugs, typically to Mexico and then to the United States, Naranjo said

This new way of doing business has also turned Mexican drug traffickers, who traditionally remained at home while Colombian traffickers delivered the goods, into traveling businessmen, Naranjo said.

"In the past the Colombian narcos brought the drugs to Mexico," he said, explaining that now, the Mexicans, particularly from the powerful Gulf cartel, come here looking for business.

He said Mexican traffickers have come to Colombia carrying up to US$1 million in cash to buy the drugs, and then organize smuggling them to Mexico, usually in shipping containers aboard freighters that depart from Colombia's Pacific coast.


Learning is a treasure which accompanies its owner everywhere.
09-23-04 03:54
      So there is hope :-D Now if only they can move
(Rated as: insignificant)

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