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All 6 posts   Subject: Plant Extraction Perfection.   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Addict)
09-23-04 19:05
No 532881
      Plant Extraction Perfection.     

This guy is really hardcore about his plant extractions. He has lovely pictures of the purified crystals too.

All done with only chemicals. These methods could be used to get rid of unwanted waxes and other crap in so many plants.

09-23-04 19:36
No 532885

Wow! Wonder what this guy wants with all those pure salvinorin A crystals - several hundred mg's is a pretty large amount, especially when seen in conjunction with the special type of trip it delivers...shockedlaugh

But I think he had to do lots of trials before arriving at such a convenient procedure - and that this is optimized for salvia leaves and nothing else.

With cacti for example, it might be a completely different procedure that leads to such a very presentable sucess...

(still very impressive!)

(Hive Addict)
09-23-04 19:59
No 532888
      I was thinking more on the lines of recovering     

I was thinking more on the lines of recovering some of the essential oils that might interest people on this site - or purifying the starting material.

(Hive Bee)
09-23-04 20:09
No 532890
      He is here too..     

He has been publishing his work here too, as Salvia_Divinorum. UTFSE for his posts.

Post 520997 (Salvia_Divinorum: "How to obtain Salvinorin Crystals", General Discourse)
09-24-04 00:02
      He's been here to ?
(Rated as: insignificant + bad link)
(Hive Bee)
09-24-04 20:17
No 533017

That's the best Salvia extraction write-up I've ever seen. I have to try this!

Talking about plant extraction and all that... here is a very nice San Pedro extraction I came across recently.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.

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