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All posts   Subject: GDI Scanner   Please login to post  

(Wizard Master)
09-25-04 00:19
No 533036
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      GDI Scanner     

GDI Scan for JPEG Virus

gdiscan.exe was written for Windows 2000 and higher. It scans the drive containing the Windows %system% directory and Looks for vulnerable versions of gdiplus.dll, sxs.dll, wsxs.dll, mso.dll.

The scan starts upon execution. It will signal completion of scan in text box with "Done."

Vulnerable versions of the .dll files are listed in RED.

The path where a vulnerable .dll file is found is important. Remember that dlls are loaded in the following order (note: this is a VAST simplification):

The directory from which the application loaded.
The (application's) current directory.
Windows 95/98: The Windows system directory (default: C:\Windows\system)
Windows NT+: The 32-bit Windows system directory (default: C:\WinNT\System32)
Windows NT+: The 16-bit Windows system directory (default: C:\WinNT\System)
The Windows directory (default: C:\WinNT or C:\Windows)
The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable

GUI Version
(MD5: 91ff45c6158e77eb57fbf6fbe38f05d1)

Command Line Version
(MD5: dd1e0eb5a9b5f33da90bbf503ed28eda)

Ignore files in directories like Windows\$NtUniinstallKBxxxxx\ and Windows\WinSxS. These are old versions left behind for uninstall purposes
There are no command line options for the gui version.
the only parameter for the command line option is the log filename (usage: gdiclscan.exe logfile). It will exit with a return code of 1 if it can not open the log file. The command line version will not overwrite the log file.

According to this scanner there is gdiplus.dll and GDIPlus.dll files vulnerable version in Norton SystemWorks 2003.

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