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All 10 posts   Subject: Narcotics as stimulants   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-26-04 07:18
No 533222
      Narcotics as stimulants     

This may not be the right thread, but here goes...

I have written before about the seemingly idiosyncratic effect that narcotics have on me, and as I've read some others.  My history is that, for virtually all orally administered opioids, and some of the parenteral ones, (Nubain, Buprenex), I get a relatively weak euphoria, even at high doses, and that they stimulate me, allowing me to stay up all night and into the next day for studying, cramming, or computer tweaking...the stimulating effect without the increased nervousness, heart rate, generally annoying wired feeling of sympathomimetic amines, and the like (MPH, pemoline).  I realize that for the majority, narcotics, depending on the specific chem, dose and personal history, are sedating, even aneasthetic (Mind you, I'm sure that a normal aneasthetic dose of fentanyl or derivatives would knock me out too), in nature.

I have found that taking for instance, 20 to 25mg of hydrocdodone bit. can comfortably keep me up for an additional 8 to 16 hours past my normal "bedtime".  The next day, of course, I miss the sleep, but it has helped me meet some deadlines, and I can go to work without dilated pupils or jittery movements that Ritalin, coke, and amphet. caused me.

Anybody have similar reactions, or am I a freak?  Also, even though they can keep me stimulated, for most of the agonists or mixed agonists/antagonists I can easily sleep as well...with the exception of tramadol (I know, you roll your eyes, not really a strong agonist a mu, but an opioid nonetheless) and buprenorphine both of which keep me peacefully awake, with no possibility of sleeping for at least 6 to 8 hours...given a dose of around 400mg of oral tramadol HCl.

Your discourse on this would be interesting...I know this isn't related to manufacturing drugs or how to properly mainline, but it interests me anyway.

Peace out,

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish truth. Through violence you murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate… Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” 
–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Reality is a crutch for those people who can't deal with drugs!
(Hive Bee)
09-26-04 09:32
No 533228
      Hm, sounds a little familiar to me, not ...     

Hm, sounds a little familiar to me, not completely, but well ...
after a adequate big hite of h, dihydrocodeine or opium swim never was able to sleep, only when it wears (wore?) of. Also after a hit he was very often "agitated" in the sense of wanting to do something, like going to concerts or walking around, going downtown, or what ever - stuff he'd normally been much to lazy or to uninterested to at that time.

Sure, Sim thinks this is not exactly the same phenomenon as you describe but it tends in the same direction

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
(Hive Bee)
09-26-04 14:04
No 533244

for me, altering my state is stimulating, in general. the only time i've had barbituates (i think it was tuinols) they kept me up all night. opiates do too, unless i refuse to do anything on them except lay down...then i get to watch the pictures on my eyelids briefly.
valium bores me to sleep, but i don't like it.
(Hive Addict)
09-26-04 18:07
No 533265
      boy has this topic been discussed many times...     

boy has this topic been discussed many times here.

(Hive Bee)
09-29-04 05:29
No 533721
User Picture 
      Other atypical effects     

I've often wondered about that. I had a friend who had an on/off affair with smack. Quite a few times, after he'd had a hit, he'd start kicking a football around or something equally energetic. The times I've taken opiates, they pin me to the floor; to move is to puke.

One story my ex told me (she was an A&E radiographer) was that she once had someone in a Salvation Army uniform to x-ray, who had been given pethidine for pain relief. As she was wheeled in, she saw my ex and started screaming "my baby, my baby; they've left it in a matchbox on top of the wardrobe". Over years, she noticed that people behaving like that, after having opiates, were all god-fearing types.

I wonder what it is about opiates that so distresses born-agains and their ilk?

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous
09-29-04 18:30
No 533775
      Stimulating indeed...     

Opium is highly stimulating for me too! I have only limited experience with other opiates, in part it seems to be a dosage related issue. Large doses of opium tend to become sedating but only at a dosage level which I don't really enjoy anymore (nodding off is not my definition of fun).

As far as I can tell this is pretty much normal, although I must say that there is a HUGE individual component to the opiate effect. This appears to hold both for subjective effects like euphoria as well as for physiological effects like withdrawal (everyone WILL get dependent but some people experience objective withdrawal much much sooner than others).
(Hive Addict)
09-29-04 18:46
No 533778
      Post 48906     

Post 48906 (Mister_Clean: "Opiate stimulation", General Discourse)
Post 320201 (Quiet_Stormin: "Codine Stimulation", General Discourse)
Post 281000 (Sympatho: "Opiates causing stimulantion?", General Discourse)

(Hive Bee)
10-01-04 09:25
No 534012
      paradoxical stimulation     

Opioidopamine....where neuroreceptors merge/mesh/ in the ventral and tegmental region.....the seat of addiction? the gateway to novelty? James H Austin M.D. in his book "zen and the brain" on pages 220-221 discusses the stimulation of dopamine receptors by opioid receptors that are actually connected. This author specifically discusses motivational drive/novelty/mathematical functioning/ and dexterity issues and how morphine and other endogenous compounds similiar effect awareness. I believe a very important discovery awaits humankind regarding this area of pharmacology. this receptor interplay I think is at the root of many entheogenic and spiritual experiences. thanato-utopia, the realm of the dead, regeneration of cell tissue, and kappa opioid related issues are also intimently connected I suspect. I believe that a connection to the spirit realm is aided by opiates and dopamine receptor functioning. paradoxical stimulation! anxiety! POSSESSION.

10-02-04 18:50
No 534187
      Some doctors are experimenting with q72h ...     

Some doctors are experimenting with q72h dosing of morphine to patients with bad symptoms of OCD.
(Hive Bee)
10-03-04 07:03
No 534247
      kratom is another..........     

and buprenorphine, hydrocodone, these can be stimulating as well.kappa opioid agonists can have a stimulating effect...


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