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All posts   Subject: Benzo's protective with DXM...   Please login to post  

(Hive Bee)
10-01-04 05:33
No 534003
      Benzo's protective with DXM...     

Peth has been getting back into DXM use since the advent of DXM only gelcaps made by, well, several manufacturers...

Peth usually consumes between 900mg and 1200mg.  Peth's interest is...the fact, or at least supported by my experience, that premedication with a benzo (Peth's case, alprazolam, 1.5mg) provides a smoother, and possibly healthier ride.  For a lot of users, tachycardia, hyperanxiety, sky-high BP, thready pulse, etc. is frightening, and potentially harmful, and generally makes for a scarier, less pleasant experience.  I have advised many a friend on the legal use of a benzo to make the trip more pleasant, with excellent results.  It also seems that the literature suggests a benzo when used with hallucinogens / NMDA agents, will reduce the incidence of Olney's lesions, presumably by calming, and protecting the area most sensitive to DXM.

Just wondered what other users might have used this same protocol, or other agents, and their experiences.  Anything to make the trip different/better is interesting.

Note: Peth also sometimes premeds with atenolol, which will of course add to the stability of the CV system, and help with rhythm.


Reality is a crutch for those people who can't deal with drugs!

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