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All 3 posts   Subject: Heterocodeine   Please login to post   Down

10-05-04 21:05
No 534581
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Does anyone know anything interesting about Heterocodeine? [Morphine with an extra Methyl group on the opposite hydroxy group to codeine]

Apparantely its 5x the potency of morphine and more addictive [I'm guessing because of the lipophilicity and entering the brain more readily].

Its just strange as there doesn't seem to be much info on pubmed or google yet its such a simple modification of morphine. [Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough or is it called something else?]

- Camxyl
10-05-04 22:56
No 534593
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      According to this source, heterocodeine has a...     

According to this source, heterocodeine has a six-fold increase in activity:

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
-Howard Zinn

10-05-04 23:13
No 534594
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      I was also told that it has more potential...     

I was also told that it has more potential side effects but I'm not sure whether to take that as "it's less suitable for medical use" due to its more addictive properties?

Maybe its more toxic to the body.

- Camxyl

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