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All 42 posts   Subject: Question for lifescientists   Thread closed   Down

(Hive Bee)
10-05-04 21:29
No 534583
      Question for lifescientists     

Which is the hottest and most expansive field in lifescience today? Which will be the hottest, most expansive and profitable field of lifescience tomorrow?
I ask you becouse I have to pic a specialization and Im hasitating becouse I want to be sure that I will not f*ck up my future life and do some boring, nonprofitable things the rest of my life. Please give me your advice...tongue
(Hive Bee)
10-05-04 21:34
No 534584
      My own guess...     

My own guess is that the greatest expansion and profit will be in bioinformatics.
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-06-04 00:08
No 534599
User Picture 
      So a good future is one defined by making...     

So a good future is one defined by making money?  Then you're barking up the wrong tree.  Get into business.

Don't ever pursue an academic career for the sake of making money - you either love the field and want to make a contribution, or you stay away from it.  Otherwise, you'll end up very disappointed later on.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
10-06-04 05:56
No 534640
User Picture 
      Bioinformatics and proteomics will be the...     

Bioinformatics and proteomics will be the biggest in the next 10 years.  They have sequenced the human genome, but haven't scratched the surface of knowing what it does.

Customised medicines, and nanotech/bio delivery systems will be big in 20 yrs time.

After that?  Anyones guess...

The division between sciences is blurring.  The new 'exciting' fields require all disciplines.

If you want to make money; create a niche skillset and contract-consult.  Or as placebo said, get into business.  However, he did fail to mention the important correlation bewteen science and business.  No science can ever make money without a larger business infrasturucture guiding it to market.  Careers in life science are varied - you are not destined to be a poor research scientist your whole life cool
(Hive Addict)
10-07-04 16:33
No 534833
      like I've said previously different dosage...     

like I've said previously different dosage forms and technology (biopharmacy/pharmaceurical tech.) will probably be easy to get research grants in the future also.

But If you want to be rich, you can make more in business, and many other places. Considering that it might take closer to ten years to get a PhD (or equivalent) in these fields, you'd make enough money to buy a house in ten years as a carpenter.

(Hive Bee)
10-07-04 20:44
No 534860
      Yes I love the field but I would like to be in     

Yes I love the field but I would like to be in an expansive subfield to be able to make the greatest contribution scientific advance, understanding of life and cure of disease, I also hope that my contibution will make people happy and me rich. What do you think about the future of bioinformatics?
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-08-04 02:56
No 534898
User Picture 
      "What do you think about the future of...     

"What do you think about the future of bioinformatics?"

Like any biological field heavily tied into corporate interests, it is a burgeoning area that benefits greatly from the removal of civil liberties.  If it's money you want, it's a great place to go.

Sorry for being such a downer, but I can't stand how badly science is abused for money these days.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
10-08-04 04:00
No 534911
User Picture 

Yes I agree with you paranoid, however my advice would have to be that if you want to make lots of money quickly you must first gain a reputation with a company that already has a good portfolio of products being marketed, and also has one hell of a pipeline.  If you prove yourself with a company that is profitable, and you have been involved in taking a product/products that are in clinical trials or even development, to market, I believe that this is an extremely valuable trait in the eyes of an emerging company with a wealth of ideas, and technology, but without the resources that make things move forward (so to speak).  For example I just became employed with a company that has ~60 employees and ~20 excellent projects that are anywhere from early discovery/development and all the way up to phase III trials.  The company has no idea on how to bring these products to market, or how to further develop the manufacturing, quality, regulatory, legal, issues that become an integral part of a research company that is ready to become a manufacturing company.  Unfortunately Research Scientists seldom are able to understand all that goes into bringing their wonderful discoveries to market.  A great researcher is at best a horrible business person.  This is why many great research companies never go anywhere without the help and funding of those that have experience in process development, product development, assay development, manufacturing, quality, regulatory, and straight up Business skills.  Like many have said already, you will need some kind of business skills if you wnat to make money.

That being said if you really were in it for the science, you would not care about the money.  I know many senior scientists that make a very preety penney, well into the deep six figure range, and they drive beat up oldsmobiles with rust, or perhaps a 1978 Mercedes Benz.  Although the Scientists that work under their wing drive brand new BMW's and Mercedes, etc.

I guess what I am trying to say is if it is money you are after you will have to take more of a business role in a company, if it is the science you are after you would not care about the money, so I guess we all know where that leaves you. wink



     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-10-04 19:32
No 535222
User Picture 
      "if it is the science you are after you...     

"if it is the science you are after you would not care about the money, so I guess we all know where that leaves you."

This explains why I drive a $500 beater and live in a small basement apartment with two room-mates. smile

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Addict)
10-10-04 20:06
No 535230
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      I would say biopharmaceuticals     

anti-sense dna therapies look very promising but are you looking for a good wage or to make it to the ten richest list?

chemically enhanced.
(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 17:05
No 535369
      I would not as much like to have a good income     

I would not as much like to have a good income as to be very very rich, not becouse I would like to have limo, cokaine, big house and hookers but becouse I could order research in areas which I think are intresting and important for humanity.

Hm.. this sure is a intressting place PhD from lifescience mingle and exchange thoughts with crackpots and junkies that doesn´t happen very often in real life..
(Hive Addict)
10-11-04 17:10
No 535370
User Picture 
      you could be like most other scientists     

and put the hard work in and research and when something promising comes up apply for funding, not many people are able to afford serious long term research on a personal whim.
Qualified scientists can earn seriously good wages anyway.

chemically enhanced.
(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 17:23
No 535373
      Qualified scientist to often do research and...     

Qualified scientist to often do research and waste money on research which is intresting for themselves and 13 people more in the whole world. I often wonder when I hear about this qualified scientist projects:

"How the f*ck can such intilligent people waste their life on solving questions that doesn´t intrest anyone more then themselves and a very few loonatics dooing the same things.???"crazy
10-11-04 21:02
      don't worry, doesn't look like you will ever...
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 21:05
No 535397
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"How the f*ck can such intilligent people waste their life on solving questions that doesn´t intrest anyone more then themselves and a very few loonatics dooing the same things.???"

Because it interests them. You do your work because it interests you, not because you're in it for the money, no?

President of the Iraqi Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Development Society
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-11-04 21:49
No 535403
User Picture 
      "I would not as much like to have a good...     

"I would not as much like to have a good income as to be very very rich, not becouse I would like to have limo, cokaine, big house and hookers but becouse I could order research in areas which I think are intresting and important for humanity. "

So basically you want to power-trip.  You're not interested in research.  Don't waste your time (not that I'd feel any pity for you if you did).

"Hm.. this sure is a intressting place PhD from lifescience mingle and exchange thoughts with crackpots and junkies that doesn´t happen very often in real life.. "

Especially with such an ignorant frame of mind amongst the arrogant assholes who often get into the field.  I am always so amused about how superior so many people in these areas find themselves to be, yet can barely programme a VCR when necessary, nevermind fulfill any other common sense activity.  A well-trained mind is not necessarily a particularly intelligent one.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 22:00
No 535406
User Picture 
      Re: A well-trained mind is not necessarily a...     

A well-trained mind is not necessarily a particularly intelligent one.

I think that statement can be proven valid by reading posts from the same users in different forums.  It is obvious some communicate with chemistry as their language better than the written word.

However, as mentioned, this does not take away from the fact that they may have a remarkable talent in their respective feilds.

(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 22:08
No 535407
      Yes I like the research and Im not interested...     

"Because it interests them. You do your work because it interests you, not because you're in it for the money, no?"

I like the research and Im not interested of it primary for the sake of money Im intrested of it becouse of the benefits it can give to humans.
I understand that some people can find research that doesn´t have any big potential to benefit humans to be interesting but I would not like to do this reasearch instead of huge-human-benefit-potential-research.
(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 22:20
No 535408

"So basically you want to power-trip.  You're not interested in research.  Don't waste your time (not that I'd feel any pity for you if you did)."

I am very creative and like inventing things, Im not intressted in research for the researchs own sake though..

"Especially with such an ignorant frame of mind amongst the arrogant assholes who often get into the field.  I am always so amused about how superior so many people in these areas find themselves to be, yet can barely programme a VCR when necessary, nevermind fulfill any other common sense activity.  A well-trained mind is not necessarily a particularly intelligent one."

Many of my friends are drugaddicts they like me and I dont have any problems to be friend with them, most of the time i try to convince them to stop taking speed, go to school and make something usefull of their lifes, but sometimes we take speed together.
(Hive Addict)
10-11-04 22:28
No 535411
      Then comes the old question of what is ...     

Then comes the old question of what is fruitless/useless research. Classical example being of course number theory, something that at first didn't appear as practical for anything, which suddenly became the basis of cryptography and whose applications got eventually treated like weapons.

fear fear hate hate
(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 22:34
No 535412

Im pretty sure that you have better chance of getting some benefits if you aim for usefull research than if to aim att apearently useless research and hope that it will cause huge benefits in a distant future.
(Wonderful Personality)
10-11-04 22:57
No 535418
      VCR programming     

yet can barely programme a VCR

Actually I never managed this. But I never realized this being a secret IQ-test. Solved the problem by throwing out VCR and tv completely, gained much time and happyness this way. Maybe not programming a VCR is a sign of intelligence but not using VCRs and TVs at all is? Maybe thats just a stupid excuse for my stupidty though.

Lifescience: Thats a rather synthetic wording for tinkering with the biology of humans in special although not understanding what one is actually doing?
Bioinformatics: Huh. Sounds evil to me.

After your questions Wolfram it seems to me that its much to early for such a specialisation and anyways, I would strictly recommend a STUDIUM GENERALE before specializing or you may soon find yourself in a private dead-end street or alternativly you will become a completly specialized genius/general idiot. First study science, then specialize in sciences. Inbetween you hopefully will realize that the wish to be VERY VERY RICH is a symptom of a common and widespread mental disease, nothing else. The wish to make enough money for a fairly good living is something else of course.

Just some points to think over maybe.

so near, so far......
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-12-04 06:28
No 535484
User Picture 
      "I like the research and Im not ...     

"I like the research and Im not interested of it primary for the sake of money Im intrested of it becouse of the benefits it can give to humans."

"I am very creative and like inventing things, Im not intressted in research for the researchs own sake though.."

Then trust me, you'll find it excruciating.  You've contradicted yourself regarding your aims several times in this thread.  Sounds to me like you have no idea what you want.  That's ok.  But don't waste your time trying something out you're not interested in for the sake of the research itself.

"Actually I never managed this. But I never realized this being a secret IQ-test. Solved the problem by throwing out VCR and tv completely, gained much time and happyness this way"

IQ is a BS numerical value with limited intelligence denoting capability.

However, your chucking of the devices in question is a superior choice IMHO.  And probably the smarter one as well. wink  I've lived without TV for over a year now, and never intend to go back.  What a waste of time.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
10-12-04 10:03
No 535503
User Picture 
      wolfram, Org gave good advice.     

wolfram, Org gave good advice.  Undergrad should be STUDIUM GENERALE.  This way you are exposed to many sciences and quickly realise what you like and ultimately - your future study and career direction.  Get a good grounding in molecular biology, chemistry, proteomics, IT and some physics/engineering. 

Look into what you'll actually be doing day-to-day for your occupation.  Bioinformatics may sound cool and pay well; but it is alot of database design and management of scientific data (more IT orientated).  Boring IMHO (and echoed by Bio-IT colleagues) 

Life as a research scientist will fulfill your desire to 'help mankind'.  However, decades of research may produce no measurable benefit to mankind.  It moreso supports the advancement of science and knowledge - which may at some stage contribute to helping man.  That's why many researchers are 'self-contained' and motivate themself through personal interest - because congratulations from greater society is scarce.  Can you self-sustain long term love for your work?

There are of course exceptions to these generalisations.  You could work for a dynamic company and have your effort rewarded by accolades from the commercial world (consumers, respect & $$'s).  Some people are motivated by money.  It's the reason you want the money and how u use it that distinguishes you from the greedy asses.
(Hive Bee)
10-12-04 14:32
No 535529

I have studied molecular biology for four years. And I have realised that Im not one of those who are the most organised in the lab. The molecular biology lab envirement is stressfull to me.

What is IMHO???

I want my research to have inpact on the society. If one finds out how to calculate 3D protein stucture accuratly from aa sequence this will have huge impact on society and human benefit. If one uses the same amount of time and energy to find out how some insects in Amazonas are evolutionary related to each other, nobody will give a shit.
(Hive Bee)
10-12-04 15:02
No 535533
User Picture 

And I have realised that Im not one of those who are the most organised in the lab. The molecular biology lab envirement is stressfull to me.

So u suck in a lab yet u...

want my research to have inpact on the society

Maybe 'labwork' is not for you.  You can still 'help mankind' by being in the many areas that support the actual research scientist (who likes/is good @ lab work).  eg commercialisation, sales, marketing, distribution, production, public relations, Bio-IT, management etc etc.

With four years of molecular biology, you have a good platform for diversifying your skill set.  Do workshops, work experience, coursework masters, anything!!.  Often the best way to find what you like, is by staying away from what you dislike.

P.S. IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
(Hive Bee)
10-12-04 17:01
No 535544
User Picture 

I want my research to have inpact on the society. If one finds out how to calculate 3D protein stucture accuratly from aa sequence this will have huge impact on society and human benefit. If one uses the same amount of time and energy to find out how some insects in Amazonas are evolutionary related to each other, nobody will give a shit.

The scientists who researched the insects from the Amazon are probably very interested in their own subject. Why should everybody be interested in what they do? Research should be driven by human and not by economical interest. The latter requires that your research has an impact on society... If you aim for Nature, I guess it's up to you to find a good study field.

President of the Iraqi Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Development Society
(Hive Bee)
10-16-04 21:17
No 536117
      cross training     

certainly a lot of the new ground being broken is in cross specialty science, so get knowledgeable about a few things that interrelate towards a goal.

ie: Chemistry, microbiology, materials science, and electrical engineering. = good job in nanotech.

Computer science, neuroanatomy, logic, philosophy, higher math. = good job in Artificial intelligence.

find something that fucking fascinates you, and study all of the related fields.tongue

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.
(Hive Bee)
10-29-04 06:04
No 538453
      "So basically you want to power-trip.     

"So basically you want to power-trip.  You're not interested in research.  Don't waste your time (not that I'd feel any pity for you if you did)."

i don't think you understand his goals, which sound a lot like mine.   i intend to get extremely wealthy and use my wealth to improve the quality of life of people whom i feel are of neutral or positive additions to society.    as well i plan on instilling my values (and not beliefs) on everybody.    

those who don't know me well may think i want to be some kind of cult leader.  well maybe, depending on your definition of the term, but i think my own and probably wolframs intended impact on society will be positive
10-29-04 06:25
No 538460
      high paying science careers     

What's wrong with getting an advanced degree in synthetic medicinal organic chemistry and pharmacology?  Big pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. spend countless dollars on R&D each year and having a Ph.D in a subject such as that or something equivalent could potentially help land you a great job. 

I don't much future in biology and genetics.  As someone pointed out, sure they have already mapped one complete human genome but that still does not change the fact that simply knowing the sequence of a species' DNA tells you virtually nothing else.
(Hive Bee)
10-29-04 12:49
No 538522
User Picture 

>>certainly a lot of the new ground being broken is in cross specialty science, so get knowledgeable about a few things that interrelate towards a goal.

Good advice; especially for undergrad specialisations.  Post grad should focus on a core area of interest but remember to keep your skills diverse and universal.  This is because niche specialisations may get you a great first job - but they may limit your ability to diversify as you progress through your professional career.  Eg. you're stuck as a Separation Chemist.

>>i intend to get extremely wealthy and use my wealth to improve the quality of life of people whom i feel are of neutral or positive additions to society

Most wealthy people started off wanting to 'help people'.  The reality is once you are successful; many are more addicted to the rush, respect and wealth they accumulate.  Then they tend to overlook the little man...

<<as well i plan on instilling my values (and not beliefs) on everybody.

How noble.  Are you sure you have the right values?  I'm not saying you are evil and dictatorial.  But ensure your beliefs are universal and appropriate to all that encounter them.  It's not easy... That’s why many chose to keep their beliefs to themself. 

What's wrong with getting an advanced degree in synthetic medicinal organic chemistry and pharmacology?  Big pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. spend countless dollars on R&D each year and having a PhD in a subject such as that or something equivalent could potentially help land you a great job.

Exactly.  It’s a good strategy to shape your uni studies around a job outcome.  Another is to follow your own interests and hope funding and conclusions result.  I chose the former but respect the latter.

<<I don't much future in biology and genetics.  As someone pointed out, sure they have already mapped one complete human genome but that still does not change the fact that simply knowing the sequence of a species' DNA tells you virtually nothing else.
That’s why its a good area to study now.  Meaning, there will be ample job opportunities in 10 yrs time.  IT was booming when i was in undergrad.  If i chose such a study path at the time, i would now be greeted with a heavily saturated and qualified field.  Alternatively, you can take an educated guess on what areas will be 'hot' when you plan on entering the job market.  Hopefully it pay$ off wink
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
10-29-04 21:26
No 538615
User Picture 
      " i intend to get extremely wealthy and...     

"  i intend to get extremely wealthy and use my wealth to improve the quality of life of people whom i feel are of neutral or positive additions to society.  as well i plan on instilling my values (and not beliefs) on everybody."

Quite the arrogant shit, aren't you?

" don't think you understand his goals, which sound a lot like mine."

Oh I understand them all too well, and I dislike them even more now that you've laid yours out so clearly.

"but i think my own and probably wolframs intended impact on society will be positive "

For whom?  Surely only yourselves and your cronies.

This is a prime example of the sort of narcisistic ego that is destroying health-care in western nations, and preventing it from ever being properly developed in under-developed nations.

Congratulations.  You're like every other jerk working those industries.  Your comments comfirm my statement regarding the singular desire for power in individuals leading these industries.  You don't give a shit about the research, so don't even try to fool yourself into believing you really do.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
11-01-04 00:45
No 538988
      "For whom? Surely only yourselves and...     

"For whom?  Surely only yourselves and your cronies."
"You don't give a shit about the research, so don't even try to fool yourself into believing you really do. "

AMAZING!!!!     you have the ability to read text,    written by a person you don't know, and pass judgement as to thier sincerity/motives.

wait no,    you just think you do.....
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
11-01-04 02:28
No 539013
User Picture 
      "AMAZING!!!! you have the ability to read     

"AMAZING!!!!     you have the ability to read text,    written by a person you don't know, and pass judgement as to thier sincerity/motives."

No.  I just don't read between the lines when the lines themselves speak loud and clear.  How you think your words could be interpreted in any other fashion is beyond me.

You stated you interests were to become rich and then have the ability to treat only those ill people you find morally compatible.  In addition, you state you'd like to then change everyone's moral values to suit your own tastes.

That's just plain narcissitic, and speaks loudly about how you consider yourself morally superior to nearly all people.

I basically included the subtext to the comments - not that they weren't apparent in their original form mind you.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Addict)
11-01-04 21:00
No 539116
User Picture 

i intend to get extremely wealthy and use my wealth to improve the quality of life of people whom i feel are of neutral or positive additions to society.    as well i plan on instilling my values (and not beliefs) on everybody.


  You think you have the ability and judgement to decide who is a postive and who is a negative "addition" to society?

  You feel as though your values are universal and worthy of forcing on other people?

  Have you ever stopped to think that wealth may not be what society needs?

  Perhaps understanding and tolerance are far better currency to spend on the improvement of society.
  Since society and culture are far from universal, how do you propose (or suggest) that you values are going to be accepted, or even listened to?

Cui peccare licet peccat minus - One who is allowed to sin, sins less. (Ovid)
(Hive Bee)
11-02-04 21:29
No 539262
      "You stated you interests were to become...     

"You stated you interests were to become rich and then have the ability to treat only those ill people you find morally compatible.  In addition, you state you'd like to then change everyone's moral values to suit your own tastes."

wrong.   i don't consider myself superior, morally or otherwise.   but i do have good morals and values.   as i said i'd like to use my wealth to improve the quality of life of all people,  except for people who don't want to contribute to humanity.  i never said anything about treating ill people.   all sick people deserve treatment,   and if in my power they will recieve it.

one of my primary goals is to become totally self-sustaining.   i want to meet my own energy  and food requirements,  and thus being able to teach by example.  while teaching people to lead a sustainable lifestyle is when i plan to influence thier values.  ideally everyone whom i help become self sustaining contributors to thier community will in turn pass on the knowledge and values to poeple they know.

follow me?

"You think you have the ability and judgement to decide who is a postive and who is a negative "addition" to society?"

I said nothing of negative additions to society,   only positive and neutral

"You feel as though your values are universal and worthy of forcing on other people?"

my values are pretty much universally applicable.  i'm not talking about some world policing effort, i'm talking about happiness and sustainability beginning at the community level

"Have you ever stopped to think that wealth may not be what society needs?"

i know it isn't, once again happiness and sustainability is what i want to see

"Perhaps understanding and tolerance are far better currency to spend on the improvement of society."
very true,   but money helps to speed progress

"Since society and culture are far from universal, how do you propose (or suggest) that you values are going to be accepted, or even listened to? "

when people realize my motives are sincere they will understand my goals and if they value freedom and independence they will pass on the knowledge.

I'm not looking for personal gain...
lofty goals from an idealistic optimist,   but i think it's worth my time and money
(Hive Bee)
11-03-04 01:50
No 539307
      Pharmacogenomics and Bioinformatics.     

Pharmacogenomics and Bioinformatics.  It depends on how far into your education you are, but if you haven't finished your undergrad, or just started, I would recommend getting a Pharm.D.  You can have a for-sure job as a pharmacist, but also the option of doing research (many industry positions say PhD or PharmD, and you can do clinical work too.  Many of the benefits of MD/PhD without all the schooling... If I could go back, I would go for the PharmD and combine it with an MBA, so like 6 or 7 total years (undergrad and grad) and be much more marketable than I am now, and not necessarily have to do boring ass research for a long time...

amines to an end
11-03-04 02:49
No 539320
User Picture 

Re: Sustainability

Typically if you get involved in a field that is labeled with adjectives such as "sustainable" or "renewable" you will never accumulate anywhere near as much wealth as those involved in the exploitation of a certain population of patients, consumers, users, or what have you. 

Those that get involved in searching for ways of being "self sustaining", and/or meeting all of their energy/food requirements by some "alternative" means, in my opinion can be classified into two groups.  The first group being the "born with a silver spoon in their mouth rich fuckers"  these are the folks that have never really had to work a day in their lives, therefore all they have to do with their time is to find some way to be better than the rest of the "working population" (elitists if you will).  You may find these people practicing cabala, reading the magazine garbage, perhaps living in Boulder CO (he he), when they walk into your abode they will probably whisper to their mate that the energy flow from metallic to fluidic spirituality totally goes against there feng shui beliefs.  They will stand for something so strongly yet have no idea what it is they stand for and could never intellectually debate what it is they stand for.  The second group are classified as the lemmings that follow the path of the aforementioned group.  These people can not make decisions on their own.  They make decisions based on what sounds "cool" "trendy" and most of all what sounds more "alternative".  The bulk of this population is composed of old hippies, neo-hippies, those that want to rebel for the sake of rebelling, i.e. the rebel without a clue, those that swear "homeopathic" remedies are the only way to cure anything.

Don't get me wrong, I believe a sustainable, renewable, existence is what we should all work towards, however if your goal is to make lots of money, (and judging by your post this is one of your goals) I suggest you get into the business of frivolous lawsuits against medical professionals.  Perhaps that will afford you enough money in order to sustain your "sustainable" lifestyle.  And you can then spread the "faith" and the "wealth" to those that are  worthy of such benefits under your influential role as a contributing citizen in your community.

follow me?

If you want to make your fortune as a PhD in Sustainable Energy Conservation and Renewable Food Stuff Resource Management, I hope you are a brilliant investor as you would be making ~50,000 USD as a professional in the field of any "sustainable" profession.

just my thoughts,


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Bee)
11-03-04 02:58
No 539323
      LOL, i beleive you misunderstood me.     

LOL,   i beleive you misunderstood me.   i have no intent to profit from sustainability.    i simply want to teach it to people so as to try and derail the current system of everbody relying more on the corporate world than the community. 

i just read this by timothy leary which seems applicable:

whenever any form of government becomes destructive of life, liberty, and harmony, it is the organic duty of the young members of that species to mutate, to drop out, to initiate a new social structure, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its power in such form as seems likely to produce the safety, happiness, and harmony of all sentient beings.
11-03-04 03:30
No 539334
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Pharmacogenomics and Bioinformatics

So I gather that you feel that a PharmD would have a better chance at landing a position in Pharacogenomics or Bioinformatics than someone that has a PhD in Pharmacology, Bioinformatics, or Genetics?  I think not, in fact I believe a MS in a specialized field of pharmacology would trump a PharmD in many instances. 

Yes, I have seen many job opportunities state they are looking for a PhD or PharmD, however I feel as if they would accept a PharmD over a PhD for economical reasons.  Believe me, those that acquire a PharmD and do not become a pharmacist at least initially usually are looked at as someone that got into the wrong field, and quickly become a "Value Pick" at least in the eyes of the pharmaceutical industry (conjures up images of vultures waiting for an injured antelope to take it's last step).  Yes this person has a good background in pharmacology and other related diciplines, however they did not choose the path that is the most specific, as pertaining to the companies goals.  Perhaps this company is looking for a Senior Scientist with experience in Pharmacological Animal Models of Disease.  They could hire a PhD for 130,000 USD / year or they could hire a PharmD for 70,000 USD / year.  Depending on the needs that are required by the company it is in their best interest to hire the PharmD, as long as the needs are met by the qualifications of the PharmD.  These needs may or not be met.  The PharmD may be more likely to be eager to accept a lower paying position in order to get as far away as possible from the hell that encompasses retail pharmacy.

Business is Business, you do however bring up a good point regarding acquiring a MBA in addition to a PharmD.  Now this is a very wise decision.  I am friends with someone that did just this.  They graduated from Purdue with a PharmD, became a RPh, and then went back to school for an MBA.  From there he became a VP of Pharmaceutical Operations of a very reputable big pharma co.  In this case a PharmD would trump a PhD in almost every instance.

just my thoughts


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
11-03-04 03:51
No 539344
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      I respect that     

i have no intent to profit from sustainability.    i simply want to teach it to people so as to try and derail the current system of everbody relying more on the corporate world than the community.

I respect that, and welcome it with open arms.  I am all for an equilibria between corporate thought, and communal ideas. 

The Leary quote also describes better than any that I have read as of late, the current status of the US election.  If Kerry does in fact prevail, (which I feel he will) it will be because of this very statement;

whenever any form of government becomes destructive of life, liberty, and harmony, it is the organic duty of the young members of that species to mutate, to drop out, to initiate a new social structure, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its power in such form as seems likely to produce the safety, happiness, and harmony of all sentient beings.

In fact I think that Kerry would have won many more votes if he used this quote in his campaign smile



     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Addict)
11-03-04 04:53
No 539368
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      you sound slightly crazy     

I said nothing of negative additions to society,   only positive and neutral

  Well by virtue of elimination, you would have to be able to rule out those who are negative in order to implement your grand plan...correct?

  I think you are a bit sheltered and out of touch with the diversity of human culture. There are very few universal values out there that someone like yourself can successfully impose on anyone.

  I figure it ok for you to dream about it though. You will be about as successful as Jemma will be with his alt-energy crap.crazy

i know it isn't, once again happiness and sustainability is what i want to see

  If individual wealth was able to spread the goals you have set out, it would already be done. There are more than enough filthy rich philantropists out there.
  What you are going to see is that there are as many equally rich people out there who are thriving on other's suffering. Not because they it makes them wealthy but because it gives them power.
  To keep that power they will do everything to stand in your way and thwart your goals.

lofty goals from an idealistic optimist

  Such goals will not spring from an uber-rich scientist, sorry to say.
  Revolutions such as the one you are intent upon spring from different beginnings.

Cui peccare licet peccat minus - One who is allowed to sin, sins less. (Ovid)

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