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All 6 posts   Subject: We need a standard PDF document posting protocol   Please login to post   Down

10-07-04 05:23
No 534788
      We need a standard PDF document posting protocol
(Rated as: good idea!)

After getting scorched by Rhodium for not posting PDFs here correctly, and after watching poor lutesium get the shaft for making the same mistakes, I suggest that establishing a standard way of posting PDF documents would be most helpful (to both new and old bees).

At present, I post--in the following order--the journal title in bold, the authors names in italics, the journal reference information--the periodical name, volume, page number, and year--in underlined fashion, the PDF document, and then the abstract.

Using Acrobat's "select text" tool, much of the information found in my posts is copied and pasted directly from the PDF document that is the focus of the subject.  If there is no abstract or introduction that explains the main "topic" of the article, one can copy from its "summary" section, which is usually just as informative.  I would avoid transposing the citations page as it doesn't seem to be as fundamentally necessary--information-wise--as all of the above mentioned items.  Experimental information from the article is, of course, always welcome (as long as it's relevant).

This is just my opinion as to how things should be from here on out.  Anybee have any constructive criticism and/or positive suggestions to offer?
(Hive Addict)
10-07-04 16:28
No 534832
      When the abstract is long or only partially...     

When the abstract is long or only partially relevant to the post, one could also highlight the most crucial parts.

I've posted some articles only to have somebody not understand the reason of it's relevance (not taking the same thoughtpath..)

Also, some instances it probably is enough to post only a link or abstract to the article. How much storage space is there even?

10-08-04 02:32
No 534890
      Citation Styles
(Rated as: good read)

There are numerous citation styles for writers of English to choose from, and many more from other languages; some URL's on citation styles:

What's important is to include the necessary information, which each of these styles does wink The MLA style is preferred in certain parts of academia, but the other styles are just as good if used correctly laugh

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
(Hive Bee)
10-09-04 01:11
No 534990
User Picture 
      Good idea     

Please see also Post 517629 (Lego: "Proper layout of references", General Discourse).
If the journal is in red or in italic or whatever is not essentiell but the order and different layout of the single lines.

A common standard for the quotation of the reference would bee great. Lego's suggestion:
Journal, Year, Volume(Issue), starting page-endpage

Sorry for the typos concerning this topic in Post 517629 (Lego: "Proper layout of references", General Discourse) blush

The tendency is to push it as far as you can
10-12-04 00:56
No 535434
      ACS Style Guide
(Rated as: excellent)

It seems that there's an ACS publication on recommended styles for chemists, the ACS Style Guide smile Chapter 6 is on styles for references wink


Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
(Hive Bee)
10-13-04 13:48
No 535658
User Picture 
      Please also use lower case     

Please: Only the first character in upper case, the rest in lower case.

It's a terrible mess to arcHIVE references like these:
Post 535628 (not existing)
Post 535172 (phenethyl_man: "Yes, I plan do it this way, except for ...", Tryptamine Chemistry)

The tendency is to push it as far as you can

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