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(Hive Addict)
10-07-04 05:48
No 534792
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      PMA fatality     

Warning Ozbees

May the hounds of hell chase these lowlife cunts to their early, painful deaths.

'Red Mitsubishi' blamed for teenager's death

A report is being prepared for the coroner after the death of a 19-year-old woman from a dangerous drug that has emerged on the Sydney party scene.

The woman from western Sydney died after taking what she believed was half an ecstasy tablet at the weekend.

But police say it appears she actually took a powerful hallucinogen called "Red Mitsubishi" that has been worrying medical experts for the last fortnight.

Gordian Fulde from St Vincent's Hospital says recreational drug users need to be careful.

"There were major parties over the long weekend where people were told when they were going into the venues, watch out for Red Mitsubishi because even the recreational drug user set know they've got a big problem with this drug," he said.

Toxic drug warning for party goers
By Nick O'Malley
September 30, 2004

A hallucinogen sold in pill form and mistakenly taken by party-goers as ecstasy has caused a series of collapses and one near-fatality in inner Sydney, causing alarm at St Vincent's Hospital's emergency department.

"It's a toxic, nasty drug," said Gordian Fulde, director of emergency medicine, describing para-methoxyamphetamine, or PMA.

Last Friday night, a man whose temperature had soared into the 40s - 41 degrees is considered serious hyperthermia - almost died as doctors fought to resuscitate him in the hospital's intensive care ward.

"We got him around but it was touch-and-go there for at least 24 hours," Professor Fulde said.

As with a handful of other overdose victims treated over the past two weeks, he believes the man had taken the hallucinogenic stimulant, which increases blood pressure, temperature and pulse rates.

"When it goes bad it acts very differently on the patient than any of the other [recreational] drugs. None of the other ones melt you down like that," Professor Fulde said. "Basically what happens is you just cook from inside. The actual machinery inside each cell just melts down and bursts and that is the end of it."

The victims told doctors they had taken red ecstasy-type pills, stamped with the three-triangled Mitsubishi symbol.

Websites around the world carry warnings stretching as far back as 2001 of red Mitsubishi pills causing PMA overdoses and in some cases death.

The AIDS Council of NSW yesterday issued a warning about the drug, fearing people attending this weekend's Sleaze Ball, and its associated recovery parties, may be at risk.

"ACON's harm minimisation messages in the lead-up to this weekend's Sleaze 2004 have focussed on crystal meth and GHB, but the appearance of this relatively new drug is of major concern. We would urge everyone to be extremely cautious," said the council's chief executive, Stevie Clayton.

Because the onset of the psychoactive affect of PMA is slow compared with MDMA, or ecstasy, some users are taking second and third doses before their first even hits them.

Compounding the problem for emergency teams, one of most common drugs used in the resuscitation and intubation of overdose victims reacts with PMA, amplifying its effects.

Professor Fulde believes other victims with milder reactions may have passed through the St Vincent's emergency department. He has briefed staff on how to detect and treat overdose patients, but formal protocols have yet to be drawn up.

"St Vincent's now knows PMA," he said yesterday.

Professor Fulde was first alerted to the drug's presence in Australia by David Caldicott, an emergency research fellow at Royal Adelaide Hospital, who warned of a recent police seizure.

Dr Caldicott co-wrote a research paper on PMA after its use in Adelaide in 2000 left one young man dead. He says the Sydney experience should sound warning bells in emergency departments Australia-wide.

"It is not only alarming for the person who has overdosed, it is also alarming for the medical professional as well.

"You do not expect these kids to die, and they will, and there is nothing scarier than watching people's lives slip between your hands, it is absolutely traumatic for the medical people involved," he said. "If [Sydney doctors] have a PMA problem on their hands, they have a big problem on their hands."


The effects of PMA

- Increase in energy (stimulation)
- Minor visual hallucinations
- General change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)
- Pupil dilation
- Erratic eye movements
- Muscle spasms
- Increased blood temperature
- Increased blood pressure
- Increased body temperature (fever)
- Increased pulse rate
- Laboured breathing
- Nausea and vomiting
-Convulsions, coma and death

Be warned, any cunt approaching me with these things will be force fed them. I suggest other "right thinking" people do the same.

THEY GIVETH WITH THE LARGE PRINT,and taketh away with the small print

(Hive Bee)
10-07-04 11:29
No 534812
      PMA fatality     

It seems it is possible there has been a misidentification of the actual pills involved in this death, who knows what is contained in the 'red mitsubishi' pills, the pill involved in this incident may not have been a 'red mistsubishi' - a followup to the article posted by abolt appeared today :

Judging by that article, it is clear the media has no idea about the specifics of this incident, only the toxicology tests will provide solid evidence as to what caused this death. I would not dismiss the possibility of a 'bad batch' as readily as Paul Dillon does in this article - there are far more fake ecstasy tables circulating in Australia than the real thing.


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