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All 2 posts   Subject: That time of the year/month, pickin & grinnin   Please login to post   Down

10-08-04 04:32
No 534914
      That time of the year/month, pickin & grinnin     

The Southwest United States. Approximately 250,000 square miles of mormon tea nursery. Psudo of the freshest kind, and my little law abiding do gooders, the month of October is the beggining and the ONLY good time to collect. The mormon tea goes dormant around the first week of November, or the first major frost. THAT could come early folks.

When in the arid land of opportunity, don't be an ass, no-no, do not skip the desert wonderland like a biker after a stool pidgeon, RRRRRRRRRIPPing the plants out and cussing. Take some pruning snips and prune the bushes.

I won't indulge you my method of transport or the thing I use to hold the trimmings, but it does kick ass, yet is not out of place should eyes peek my way. (That is, were I to actually act out this fantasy.)

Be sure of the species, wander the web to get a proper photo, so as to make a final picnic in the desert worthwhile.

Any Q/A additions to this post would be welcome, perhaps in the vein OF:

Yes. I have a project for my chem. 101 class, and I chose "extraction of psudoephedrine from the ephedra plant"
My paper is due Mon. but I was held prisoner at a frat party TWICE the past week. Which route would be most prudent, the methyl alcohol or would a non-polar solvent be best? (I knew I should have taken liberal arts dammit!
It's SSSSSSSSOOOOOOO vegitably right now....

NOTE: This post is for entertainment purposes ONLY.wink

I know how and why, but how and why I know is the mystery
(Hive Addict)
10-08-04 08:39
No 534933
      thank fuck its for entertainment only.....     

thank fuck its for entertainment only.....

If you actually did do a paper and reported actual results of extraction of a restricted substance your lecturer would probably fail you (if they didnt belive you actually did it) or dob you in....

But thats all good, in theory it sounds like a mad idea but unfortunatly around my area we dont have the ephedra plant.... (where is it in australia? if at all?)


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...

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