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All 13 posts   Subject: MeOH from race fluel   Please login to post   Down

10-08-04 16:42
No 534965
      MeOH from race fluel     

One poor Bee has already read the whole mails about nitromethane destillation from Race fluel (Papierkrann).
He has already  Nitromethan in great purity but he wants the fucked methanol to make MeI or DMS to use his fucked bromo and iodo vanilline. He knows that Nitro and Methanol forms a azeotrope. What will be the best route to become pure methanol? Distillation and washing to separate nitro from methanol with saturated brine (enough brine but no to much) or washing to separate them and then distillation of the brine/methanol solution? Is it possible to obtain this way pure methanol (nitrom free) ?thanksblush
10-08-04 16:46
No 534966
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      Visit your local auto parts store. ;-)     

Visit your local auto parts store. wink
10-08-04 17:26
No 534969
      of course     

Of course this would help assumed the antifreeze had just a littlebit more than 10% methanol, thanks for the advice.
I have 1L race fluel wich 75% is methnol and I would like this 75%, this is my problem.
(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 09:30
No 535322
      Na Salt     

Look in Vogel for forming the nitro salt with NaOH. It also says how much NaCl to use when distilling with water/MeOH.
(Hive Bee)
10-11-04 18:24
No 535377
      your nitro supplier     

will probably sell virtually pure(>99%)MeOH (nothing silica gel wont cure)

Getting nitro in my experience is more difficult than methanol.

Where are you? US EU?
10-11-04 18:33
No 535380
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      In my journies the only thing my local ...     

In my journies the only thing my local supplier carried was not 10%MeOh.  It is all methyl alchol for the most part or nothing that can't be taken care of.
10-12-04 05:31
No 535474
      Where are you? US EU?     

Where are you? US EU?

How about SWIM is in AU or China?
I am also wondering that if any bee is from China.
SWIM has a problem with all the Chinese chemical names. He only knows chemicals in their English IUPAC names. Does any bee know where I can find English to Chinese translation for chemicals names? I have UTFSE, but it seems nothing is really helpful...
10-12-04 11:19
No 535516
      Na salt     

Nitromethane + Naoh give the dangerous Nitrosalt very unstable. The mathanol was distilled at 64-65 grad.
Maybe there is a 3-5% nitro in it. Would thats be a problem if I tried to do MeI or DMS with it (Side reaction etc..)?
10-12-04 11:20
No 535517
User Picture 

This is a link to download free software that will get you on your translating way.  It cover chinese, japanese, and I think other eastern asian languages.
10-12-04 14:33
No 535530
      Nah, the NJStart doesn't work for translating...     

Nah, the NJStart doesn't work for translating chemical names, maybe it is just me...frown
10-12-04 15:31
No 535536
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      Here we go     

You will have to pay for this I am pretty sure.  However, it translates according to what field you need your particular "dictionary of words ".  For instance they have chemical engineering, biology, ecology and more.  I hope this can be of some service to you. japanese_chinese
(Hive Bee)
10-13-04 19:32
No 535698
      all you need     

is the chemical structure of the molecule. they are depicted in a format recognised by all nations, yes IUPAC - the point being so that anyone can understand, hence the 'international' bit

lets face it, methanol isn't exactly the most complicated chemical in the world. anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of chemistry should be able to find alternative names in any language that they speak
(Hive Bee)
11-06-04 21:17
No 540067
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      dry gas     

some types of dry gas and windshield de-icer contain "asaik"95-99% MeOh

fumehoods are for girlymen

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