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All 2 posts   Subject: 25% Pure Blue Product into 100% pure honey?   Please login to post   Down

10-08-04 20:56
No 534981
      25% Pure Blue Product into 100% pure honey?     

A bee had good honey, then crystalized it and had good product.  He than found out he had access to a press and mixed his crystallized product with Corn starch and a bit of food colouring.  This mix did not press very well and now this bee has a bunch of blue powder that is about 25% pure.  How good this bee get Pure 100% white powder?  Is there someway to extract it or maybe turn it back into honey so he could recrystalize?  Please help this distraught bee get back his hard worked product into decent shape.

(Stoni's sexual toy)
10-08-04 23:38
No 534984
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      Have a look at the stimulat forum, maybe that...     

Have a look at the stimulat forum, maybe that will give you an idea.
(hint: extraction...)
Now you know what small scale experiments are for, and why one shouldn't put all the money on a horse that has never won a race.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!

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