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All 2 posts   Subject: A 2002 Review of Ecstasy Deaths in New York City   Please login to post   Down

10-12-04 01:23
No 535438
      A 2002 Review of Ecstasy Deaths in New York City     

Looks like the full-length article might be an interesting read.

Can anybee can get a hold of a copy?

Books & Journals/Journal of Forensic Sciences/Citation Page/

Volume 47, Issue 1 (January 2002)

ISSN: 0022-1198
Page Count: 6

Ecstasy (MDMA) deaths in New York City: a case series and review of the literature
Gill JR, Hayes JA, seSouza IS, Marker E, Stajic M

MDMA (“ecstasy”) has gained renewed popularity as a drug of abuse. To access the epidemiology and causes of death of MDMA-positive fatalities, all deaths investigated by the OCME that tested positive for MDMA (22 deaths) between January 1997 and June 2000 were reviewed. There were three deaths in each 1997 and 1998, eleven in 1999, and five in the first part of 2000. Of these 22 deaths, 13 were due to acute drug intoxications, 7 due to mechanical injury (blunt trauma, gunshot wounds), and 2 due to a combination of natural disease and acute drug intoxication. Evidence of recent opiate and/or cocaine use was found in 7 of the acute intoxication deaths and in none of the traumatic or combination natural/intoxication deaths. The race of all decedents was White between the ages of 17–41 years, and 18 of 22 were men.

amphetamines, ecstasy, fatality, forensic science, forensic toxicology, MDMA

Paper ID: JFS4710121
(Hive Bee)
10-17-04 13:07
No 536178
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      Ecstasy deaths, NY 2002
(Rated as: good read)

Ecstasy (MDMA) deaths in New York City: a case series and review of the literature.
Gill JR, Hayes JA, deSouza IS, Marker E, Stajic M.
J Forensic Sci. 2002 Jan;47(1):121-6.

MDMA ("ecstasy") has gained renewed popularity as a drug of abuse. To access the epidemiology and causes of death of MDMA-positive fatalities, all deaths investigated by the OCME that tested positive for MDMA (22 deaths) between January 1997 and June 2000 were reviewed. There were three deaths in each 1997 and 1998, eleven in 1999, and five in the first part of 2000. Of these 22 deaths, 13 were due to acute drug intoxications, 7 due to mechanical injury (blunt trauma, gunshot wounds), and 2 due to a combination of natural disease and acute drug intoxication. Evidence of recent opiate and/or cocaine use was found in 7 of the acute intoxication deaths and in none of the traumatic or combination natural/intoxication deaths. The race of all decedents was White between the ages of 17-41 years, and 18 of 22 were men.

Kahlil Gibran: Sand and Foam (1926) (

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