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All 2 posts   Subject: Please Help Me Find Some References   Please login to post   Down

10-12-04 03:55
No 535459
      Please Help Me Find Some References     

Hello, I was hoping some of you here could help me find some references and information.  I have read about all of these in the past, but am now unable to locate them.  They are:

1. The account of a man being arrested for refusing to give his son Ritalin.  The drug was prescribed to the boy while on a doctors visit with his mother (divorced) and his father refused to let him take it, the court ruled that since it had been prescribed to the child the father was endagering the child by not allowing him his medication, and was there for arrested for child endangerment.

2. The rise of antidepressant prescriptions over the last (period of time over several years to decade?), it was in the ninety percent area and the majority of them were to children 5 and under (pre-schoolers).

3. The rise in ADD/ADHD medication prescriptions over (period of time over several years to decade?).

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!  If you have any info on the negative effects of anti-depressants and add/adhd medications, or info on the harm of children on pharmecuticals, I'd love to see it...
(soccer mom)
10-12-04 06:12
No 535482
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Post 398016 (New_Username: "hands in my pockets, kicking a little dirt...", General Discourse)
Post 351035 (Stonium: "ADHD--Overcoming the Specter of Overdiagnosis", General Discourse)
Post 312939 (Stonium: "Attention Deficit Rate Tops Estimates", General Discourse)
Post 45496 (Stonium: "Govt. Forces Parents to Drug Children", General Discourse)

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.

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