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All 3 posts   Subject: First time shooting up meth...   Please login to post   Down

(soccer mom)
10-14-04 11:46
No 535804
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      First time shooting up meth...     

There's a guy that has documented (in detail) his first time shooting up meth with pictures, as well.  He does a good job showing how one can start out being so careful and end up being so careless.  You can check it out here....  and part two is here

ps.  While you're there check out his modified lighter at

His homemade pipe...

IMO, there's a lot of interesting reading on the site.  Look around and see what ya'll think.wink

EDIT:  Go here for a safer way of injecting...

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.
10-14-04 12:21
No 535808
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You scared me there for a minute, Jade. wink

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
-Howard Zinn

(soccer mom)
10-14-04 12:47
No 535809
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      Sorry, Stoni     

Don't worry about me doing this.  Hell, I have enough problems with the straw so I'm sure not going to start something else.crazy

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.

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