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The Couch  

All 40 posts   Subject: video of making...   Please login to post   Down

(Original Cheese)
10-14-04 19:51
No 535857
      video of making...     

hmmmmmmm...been away for a while and was wondering did anyone actually produce a video of making SWIM's lovely chemicals?ie the good stuff?
just curious and also wots the gossip dudes in the world of SWIM?
...oh yeah,hi guys who remeber me and if you dont know me....hello,guten tag,ola,bonjour,

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
10-16-04 05:25
No 536047
User Picture 
      how could we forget the original ...     

how could we forget the original cheese
(not to bee confused with Cheeseboy)


29A, the hexadecimal of the Beast
(Original Cheese)
10-16-04 11:59
No 536071
      hehehhehehe blushing away here....     

howdy animal aint heard from u in ages hopefully your animal magic is still bein produced.....or SWIM hasnt deserted your talents.wink

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Bee)
10-17-04 01:25
No 536135
User Picture 
      Fester vid??     

Are you talking about the infamous Fester vid??

SWIX got no idea, got busted and went away for couple years right about the time beez were requesting someone upload it and post a link. Dunno if ever happened, maybe UTFSE but was old board then I think and prob not in there anywhere now.


Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs...
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 02:00
No 536139
User Picture 
      The Fester Video     

Somewhere swim's buddy has got a copy of the Fester video.

The meth making technique it shows is the electrocatalytic hydrogenation via palladium metal method (or whatever the proper name for that is)

At the time it was seen swim knew nothing about chemistry or ephedrine extraction basics so the section of the tape which dealth with the extraction end of things was extremely valuable. I mean you can read about doing it an infinitum and still screw it up quite easily even if there are little to no gakks present in the pills. But actually seeing someone physically do the chore is an invaluable educational element that cannot bee had by simply reading.

The extraction section of the tape is done by fester himself.

For the electro section Fester hired some young female talent to stage a mock break in to his house and they found his lab notes notes and lab gear and made themselves a batch of go and split with the results and the lab gear.

Dramatic screenwriting is not Fester's forte. (nor is it writing decent books on clandestine chemistry) I think better looking female talent would have greatly improved this section of the tape too.

Overall the main value of this tape would be for complete newbees in the extraction dept. But then of course they would still need to get up to speed on dealing with the latest and most insidious gakks someplace like here.

I think someone could still make a quite entertaining and educational tape similar to this by showing the ins and outs of RP/I style of cooking dressed up like that guy who was known as the unknown comic who always did his act with a paper bag over his head.



can't flush this
(Original Cheese)
10-17-04 10:39
No 536173
      that video     

yes SWIM has now obtained this 40mb u said it does only deal with the electro method...i lay the gaunlet who will be the first to produce a vid which deals primarily with red phos/iodine etc...hell why were at it lets do several...this would help newbies,lower costs and produce an army of chemists capable of flooding the market.So who is willing to take on the task at hand?who is prepared to do this for the cause...i wonder..SWIM could bee a legend if it was done as it would bee the most requested video ever.hmmmmmm wot do we all think about this?is it possible.wotever will bee will bee.oh thanks mee.... for the vid.blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 14:49
No 536187
User Picture 
      Here's a challenge...     

I've had this idea for quite some time that should be relatively risk free.
Obviously no two rxns are alike. So just the basics would need to be detailed.
I'm thinking the desired video could come in the form of an animated Flash Movie! Nothing illegal is being physically documented. It's chemistry!
The areas that pose the biggest problems with anything considered illicit, is the need to possess illicit ingredients to carry it out on film. This has the tendency to bite one's ass at some point. Let's say, for example, as in the case of Pre-DNA technology becoming damning evidence years later when the unsuspecting donor least expected it. Provided the evidence was gathered from the outset. WHICH THEY DO!!!
The risk today with digital technological fingerprinting is far greater than we'd like to admit. It shakesd the very foundation of what we'd like to believe, therefore easily dismissed often.
We'll all bee seeing more of these links as time rolls on!
Stoni just posted just one example with Printer Technology and I eluded to another possible "setback to sharing" months back through the use of digitalcamera footprinting.
It's like a bullet being traced to the barrel of the gun.
Not so hard with digital sigs and beyond!

A flash movie would be the ticket for newbees I think!
No loss of goodies either in the event of a failureshockedwink

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 16:21
No 536194
User Picture 
      The Unknown Meth Cook     

The unknown meth cook could even bee a generic character that could be loosly used among a loose consortium of feeswinging vigilante vid/animation makers and would not even have to bee tha same person underneath the bagged head at all times.

Ps. Anyone notice that he's got smaller bag covering his other head in the naked shot?

can't flush this
(Original Cheese)
10-17-04 16:22
No 536195
      hmmmm possibilitys     

i totally understand what your saying and yes you are right a flash movie showing the basics would bee very appropriate considering the evidential material needed for a prosecution.technically a whole host of these movies could contain only basic clandestine chemistry with no illegal activities wotsoever but the budding chemists amongst us could take from these small movies tips on how to create the rest.wot od u think??i leave the floor open to u bee'sblush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Original Cheese)
10-17-04 19:48
No 536214
      sooooo are we decided as a hive???     

so then is the hive in aggrement that this needs a group involvement to procure SWIM's perfect vid?i mean brightstar made the cool MDMA write up with amazin pics....who volunteers to have a crack at this?wot do the moderators think?i wonder as none have been here to comment.come on RHODIUM and the rest or is there already some in circulation behind the scenes....several of the hive had to learn from text which is hard enough and if one has no chemical background its a knightmare so to speak...anyways im pleased some of us are intrigued to even talk about this.blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Stoni's sexual toy)
10-17-04 20:06
No 536216
User Picture 
      There won't be an official hive video.     

There won't be an official hive video.

We cannot control what you people do in real life (unfortunately I might add), so if anyone wants to become famous go ahead. Please leave out any references to the hive.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Original Cheese)
10-17-04 20:13
No 536218
      thats received     

i totally understand your comment and the non affiliation of the hive will bee noted on any SWIM activities.i may also add this is only a theoretical idea and im hoping theory is not a chargeable offence.hehehehhe.iv left the whole idea open to discussion as the hive is for...(i hope).anyways it was good to get a mederators opinion bee it from a legal point of view.

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 20:20
No 536222
User Picture 
      Non Affiliation to Hive Noted     

To state such a thing on the end product itself (which isn't maybe what you meant cheesie) is sort of like those idiots on eBay who sell porn but then claim that it will clearly state on the plain brown packaging  that it's shipped in that "this package does not contain pornography".

The statement then nearly being a red flagged admission to the contrary of what it states.

Making no reference to the porn at all or in this case to the Hive is the best way of dealing with the issue.

can't flush this
(Original Cheese)
10-17-04 20:27
No 536223
      prove it.heheheh     

blushbeing a person who reads and collects the nice law books others admission is prove whereas a negative never makes a positive.and proving in court when nothing is found is very difficult...words alone are not enough.take for example the law in SWIMs country of origin...the feds have to bail u and test the stuff that is found on you due to the fact it might not bee attempt is possible but ststing this is theory amasses to nothing but written word.i leave the discussions open to any who want to read them and procure their own meanings...other than that im an innocent pawn in the delves of society....shit i shud go for the presidents job.hehehehhehe

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
10-17-04 20:49
No 536228
User Picture 

Please leave out any references to the hive

In that case maybee the following picture should bee
removed or edited?

"seriously thishomo internet shit needs to stop" -mcrandom
(Original Cheese)
10-17-04 21:47
No 536232
      supportin the cause...     

hehehehhehehehehehhe i guess there is more hive activity that can't bee contained.ooops wot have i started.blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 22:10
No 536238
User Picture 
      Baking Soda?     

Nice picture there Weedar but it looks to me like you might bee preparing sodium carbonate in the oven? wink

(Hive Addict)
10-18-04 00:10
No 536256
User Picture 
      Now Now....     

We all know that shouldn't be associated as weedars sparkly white! That is clearly a Hive StimForum association and besides...
It isn't green or brown or sticky enough to be weedars stash

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
(Original Cheese)
10-18-04 17:48
No 536391
      oh well     

it seems we have gone totally off the subject in direct it back, what have we decided as a collective.any pointers please msg me and we'll discuss it.
or if you are forward enough tell me here.
okie cokie.blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
10-18-04 21:46
No 536444
      i'll help!     

if you send me a bunch of lab equipment, some RP/I/E, and a digital camcorder, i'll do the whole thing!laugh
just mail it to P.O. Box...laugh
but seriously, it is a good idea, a movie like this would bee very helpful for many bees either flash/SW or the real deal-a movie with actors n stuff. dont think i want to bee the title cast in that production, though!cool
(Original Cheese)
10-18-04 22:06
No 536453
      a volunteer!!!     

hey well done for send you the whole package with a few hundred dollars as long as u register at   hehehhehe only is a great idea but like it has been said earlier who in their own mind would bee one i think,mainly due to the risks of producing something which will inevitably be procured around the globe to every drug enforcement agent out there, this is the dilema we truelly face and without the guts of someone doing it naked with a paper bag over their heads or utilising flash there will always bee certain bee's who will winge that there is nothing out there to aid the budding a level chemist who wishes to show his teacher he/she/it has mastered ghetto chemistry to such a fine art he can knock up a country's supply in an afternoon and still make gym class.hehhehe.lets see what the future brings....i wonder...will it bee fruitfull...or not.the chess board is set and no doubt people will bee tempted..please remember this...i am only thoerising here and there will bee no affiliation with the stated earlier...therefore this will bee on your own back although ultimate recognition will bee achieved upon completion the world i say this again..........DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS AT teacher always said reverse psychology works wonders.blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Balanced Ego)
10-18-04 22:18
No 536456
      ex-cuse me...     

but is there any information that such a video would provide which
is not available here? if you see a diagram of a distillation apparatus
and can't figure out how to plug it together, then you probably shouldn't
be handling dangerous chemicals. tongue

what's next? would you like us to film the sourcing of chemicals too?

(Original Cheese)
10-18-04 22:25
No 536458

hey dude....SWIM has got eyes!reading and writing i learnt at high school. Please dont try and teach some one to suck a manner of speaking. How long u been on this site? do you remember what it was like?hmmmmm.before the absolute technoligies we had here, books were utilised and had to be ordered and read and understood along with the basic chemistry knowledge scrounged from the local libaries and other educational facilities.   god are you so niaeve to think a generalised subject matter relates primarily to one single considering the future and possiblitys contained this a satisfactory answer to your elemantary comments??blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Bee)
10-18-04 22:26
No 536459
User Picture 
      Yes please hypo, how about:     

More info on sourcing the infamous Dihydrogen Monoxide spitball used for those killer extractions. Bee good for getting the Newbees started dude...

Hell, I know I wanna get my hands on sum...laugh


Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs...
(Original Cheese)
10-18-04 22:30
No 536462
      thank you     

a reference should never bee left at the way side no matter how good at something you are.and if your starting out....any crutch is an aide.blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Bee)
10-18-04 22:47
No 536466
      Videos like these and many pics will be ...     

Videos like these and many pics will be available on my website soon. SWINM is even looking for a parabolic camera that can be placed in various vessels as reactions take place. Stay tuned. wink

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Original Cheese)
10-20-04 15:40
No 536808

will u keep SWIM informed off this new enlightened page??
as SWIM and other bee's have shown some interest in these matters concerned.thanks for the effort and input.blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Bee)
10-20-04 21:09
No 536865
      I'm a dumb janitor     

Swim is still dumb as hell, but he learned more from the video links in rhodium's page, then all the syths swims ever read. Everything clicked and it all made sense. Never seen the fester video but have heard alot. I was under the impression it was a HI/red P/hypo reduction. But shit if sick bastards can have kiddy porn and snuff videos, whats stopping chem hacks? If properly marketed it could make lotsa $, but screw that post it for free!
(Hive Bee)
10-20-04 22:26
No 536897
      bad idea     

cleaning pills is the only skill involved, and it changes constantly. a film would probably throw more newbies than it would help.

i'd like to see a video of stupid lab mistakes. that would bee gratuitiously funny.

only andy warwhol could do justice to a 48 hr lwr rp/I rdxn.
(Original Cheese)
10-21-04 16:15
No 536972
      hmmm you are right     

yes you are right... learning by visual is quicker better and easier as you have a visual reference.god thats why bright stars web page was so good when the web page had all the pics.i did some digging today with SWIM and found out a very good fact...a digital camera/video camera etc does have a signiture but that is changed as soon as u adjust the picture then becomes a seperate visual and if you then apply your own adjustments etc no trace...obviously you would need to transfer etc to make sure but yes this is true.also identity would need to bee undisclosed so steps to do this would require SWIM to wear very common clothes so the feds could not distinguish your clothes,the backgeround would need to bee plain and even your glassware/etc shud bee undistinguishable although the uniformed and un uniformed services dont have that great technology and you would find to get permission to utilise this technology would not bee in their best costing for the annual year.therefore the SWIM who did this wud also need to do it smallish scale just to bee sure.
anyways the support does seem to bee here in certain forms and i know behind the scenes there are a majority who would like free access to info of this were does SWIM go from here i wonder....hmmmmmm.
hell if you support an action like this lets see your nick on this link....we'l then see the support.
voting in progress------------------------>apply herewink

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Original Cheese)
10-21-04 16:16
No 536973
      in light....     

yeah you are right fella things do change....BUT the basics dont!!!wink

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Bee)
10-21-04 20:13
No 537000
User Picture 
      Mr Bean     

only andy warwhol could do justice to a 48 hr lwr rp/I rdxn

I think Rowan Atkinson would bee entertaining too.

I can imagine Mr Bean with a huge gas mask or one of them hazchem suits dripping acid into a beaker... laugh


Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs...
(Hive Bee)
10-21-04 21:13
No 537016
      what about unclefester?     

I'd love to hear from the man himself unclefester, how somthing like this would work. I mean the man probally has a dea agent living next to him for god sakes. He was in george magazine, and he has a vid on his site, i even think it was shot in his house too. The fuck he get away with that? Lest not forget silient death AFTER 9-11 and the police state thats following. He is probally the most watched bee ever. All'z I know if I did that I'd be getting raped by leroy in fed lockup right now.
(Hive Bee)
10-22-04 13:33
No 537149
      snipets exist     

there have been some short videos on the hive; don't know if they still exist.
jacked once posted a snippet of a rxn taking place. it showed the sudden expansion of precursors in the flask, as well as the basic set-up.
how much does anybee want to see?

btw, i would think a video of a legal rxn and extraction might do the trick. one that was somewhat similar to the HI rdxn rxn.

one could follow the rxn and adjust accordingly.

try making a large crystal of NaCl from muriatic acid and lye, in dirty water. that should bee a good start.
(Original Cheese)
10-22-04 18:47
No 537181
      see.....this is wot im sayin     

yeah now were talking.....vids which procure nowt(apparantly)are not illegal so hmmmmmmmmmm wot cud we do?

excellent idea bro.blush

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Popular Author)
11-07-04 14:30
No 540189
      video contents     

The Cookin' Crank video starts with pill extraction, follows with getting iodine from 7% tincture, getting hypo from electroless mickel products, and an HI/hypo cook. That's been the layout for roughly two years, but the pill extraction section is old and needs to be redone to show how to deal with the neww formulations. As to the girls, they worked for free...what more could you ask?
(Original Cheese)
11-07-04 22:58
No 540250
      well il beeee damned!!!1     

hey the god himself has allowed his prescence on my thread!!!!!
howdy fella.
hmmmmmmm this film sounds scrumptious bro.
and the girls are probly nice also.
maybeee we could chat privately regarding this matter....hehehehhe
but yeah u have the point,a more recent video is required.
hint hint...hehehhehehehe

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Bee)
11-07-04 23:26
No 540264
User Picture 
      A little off topic, but:     

I wonder if the chemists who work for Pfizer etc surf the Hive to try and learn how the products get defeated and to learn new strategies etc?

Just a thought...


>>This is my signature.<<
(Original Cheese)
11-08-04 00:48
No 540282
      hmmm you are right     

hmmmm yup ur right they probly do but remeber this sum of these guys/gals in here are the best at wot they do!
i mean they could probly do a PHD class quite easily,
hell it would not surprise me if the big corporations help us to bump up sales!!!wink

it aint easy bein cheesie (original)
(Hive Addict)
11-08-04 23:30
No 540507
      Shoot higher     

Why mess with the white shit when you could work on something more interesting.  Such as some nice phenethylamine synth's.  A Wacker oxidation or amination of MDP2P with Al/HG/Nitro.  That!!! would be interesting.

Another thing, itn't part of the fun just getting there?

girl toy


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