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All 8 posts   Subject: Extracting codeine when mannitol is present   Please login to post   Down

10-15-04 12:33
No 535956
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      Extracting codeine when mannitol is present     

I've read about the cold-water extraction of codeine, to
remove paracetamol - but I discovered some pills containing:
400mg paracetamol
30mg codeine
mannitol q.s.

My question is as follows: Would it bee necessary to
remove the mannitol, seeing as it is a diuretic, or could
one do a normal cold-water extraction? Is the mannitol
a problem, if so how does one easily remove it?smile

"seriously thishomo internet shit needs to stop" -mcrandom
(Hive Bee)
10-26-04 18:48
No 537945
User Picture 

try the extraction like you normaly would then compare the actual yield to the theroretical yield and see if thier is any excess  thats the best i could sugest sorry
(Hive Bee)
10-27-04 00:11
No 538000
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      no need to worry     

To cause a diuretic effect, you have to ingest several grams of mannitol I think. And in fact diuretica are a good thing when doing drugs; just take care to support your body with additional electrolyte and water...

10-27-04 01:25
No 538018
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      No need to worry     

To cause a diuretic effect, you have to ingest several grams of mannitol I think. And in fact diuretica are a good thing when doing drugs; just take care to support your body with additional electrolyte and water...

That, and the fact that codeine is an anti-diuretic... laugh  FYI: Mannitol is most often used in tablets as an excipient, not as an active diuretic.


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Bee)
10-27-04 05:40
No 538050
      consumed grams     

of mannitol as cocaine cut and never experienced negative effect, also, boiling coke and water  and mannitol seems to leave the mannitol out of the final product if strained. so perhaps a final heating of the codeine/water/mannitol mixture would help to clear the mannitol?

10-27-04 22:01
No 538168
      who cares...     

you guys probably dont bang, do ya. manitol and inisotol are soluable in water and get sucked right up the rig with the dope. this sucks. it takes up room that the dope coulda been in. is this why you asked how to separate? there is a procedure for a "rextalization of heroin" a cleanup that worked for me. i think its on rhods site. i dont know bout the difference chemicaly betwen codine and diacetylmorphine, but maybee it close enough that a simailar procedure would work.
just a suggestion....

11-13-04 18:50
No 541407
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Thanks for all of your replies!smile

BTW,jboogie, I don't reccommend that anyone IV codeine..crazy

"seriously thishomo internet shit needs to stop" -mcrandom
11-13-04 19:45
No 541412

Acetaminophen:  Very slightly sol in cold water; considerably more soluble in hot water; practically insol in benzene.

Codeine (m.p. 154-156 °C):  One gram dissolves in 13 ml of benzene; almost insol in solns of alkali hydroxides.

Mannitol:  One gram dissolves in 5.5 ml of water; insol in ether; sol in aq solns of alkalies.

Suggestions after grinding pills:

1.) Use just enough dilute NaOH to dissolve acetaminophen and mannitol; filter insoluble codeine crystals.


2.)  Apply step #1 suggestion above; then, extract aqueous NaOH phase with toluene.  Evap toluene or gas with HCl to get, respectively, either codeine crystals or codeine HCl.


3.) Extract pill mass directly with toluene.  Proceed with last step in #2 suggestion above.

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