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All 2 posts   Subject: Cleaning car nitrous   Please login to post   Down

10-15-04 21:22
No 536002
      Cleaning car nitrous     

Swim used TFSE and mainly found threads talking about making N2O, which unfortunately most synths can produce poisonous byproducts.  So swims wondering what would be a good/safe method of "cleaning" automotive nitrous?  Someone mentioned simply making a "water bong" type device to run the gas through...would this be enough to clean the sulfur?
10-16-04 21:49
No 536119
      vapor mask filter     

Back in the day, kids always used to buy respirator cartridges for those vapor masks(gas mask)they sell at most popular home improvement stores.....they sell specific filters for organic, inorganic, etc....  get the ones that cover sulphur dioxide(which is an inorganic acidic gas)....

 or the old fashioned 'baking soda bong' works too.......a little messy sometimes

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