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All 2 posts   Subject: MediaWiki development   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 19:09
No 536211
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      MediaWiki development     

I know most bees are aware of this engine.
The most recent conference on Web 2.0 mentioned the growth of this rapidly expanding source of information!
Here are some direct links and facts!
MediaWiki development
The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit foundation registered in the state of Florida which operates Wikipedia (a free encyclopedia in over 50 languages), Wiktionary (a free dictionary), Wikisource (a collection of public domain or FDL-licensed texts), Wikibooks (free textbooks for schools and universities), and Wikiquote (a collection of notable quotations).

All these projects are based on wiki technology: they are open knowledge bases which can be improved by anyone. This is the homepage ( of the underlying open source wiki engine, MediaWiki, which is developed here on SourceForge via CVS, and is available under the GNU General Public License (the contents of the Wikimedia wikis themselves are licensed under the GNU FDL).

The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc (
Wikipedia (a free encyclopedia in over 50 languages) (
Wiktionary (a free dictionary) (
Wikisource (a collection of public domain or FDL-licensed texts) (
Wikibooks (free textbooks for schools and universities) (
Wikiquote (a collection of notable quotations) (

Encyclopedic Knowledge - The Wiki

Collective intelligence. "The simplest online database that could possibly work.

Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create
and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports
hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and
crosslinks between internal pages on the fly.

Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows
the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the
content itself.

Like many simple concepts, "open editing" has some profound and subtle
effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any
page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of
the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users."

"On the 27th July 2004, the English Wikipedia alone had 269,000
articles of 200 characters or greater, and the combined Wikipedias for
all languages exceeded the English Wikipedia in size, giving a
combined total of 745,000 articles in 83 languages. The English
Wikipedia alone has now reached 92.8 million words in size,
comfortably eclipsing the largest previously existing encyclopedias."

"There have been 19,829 contributors to all Wikipedia language
editions (8,194 to the English language edition), and 785,000 visitors
read 12.8 million pages per day of all languages (309,000 visitors
request 5.6 million English pages per day). 895,000 edits were made in
June 2004, 237,000 to the English language edition; the ratio of edits
to new articles is roughly 11:1. (All statistics as at Tuesday July
27, 2004.)

Not bad for an encyclopedia which is only three years and three months old."

Wikipedia Size Comparisons (

By 2005, Wikipedia is predicted to be one of the top 500 most-visited
properties on the Web.

Predicted average ranking for the month of January 2005: 528
Predicted average ranking for the month of June 2005: 432

Modelling Wikipedia's Growth (

Gleaned From:

Also of interest see Post 497784 (jemma_jamerson: "newbee site(come and get it)", Newbee Forum)

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
(Hive Addict)
10-17-04 20:13
No 536219
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      Continued links...     


1.3.6 released 2004-10-14 New stable release, running on all Wikipedia sites
mediawiki-1.3.6.tar.gz (
MediaWiki 1.3.6 is a security update, which contains fixes for several cross-site scripting and SQL injection vulnerabilities discovered during a code review. All MediaWiki users are strongly urged to upgrade to this latest release.

(Upgrading from the previous release should be a simple matter of decompressing the updated files into place, if you have not altered the originals. There are no database structure changes.)
Changes from 1.3.5: {full release notes (}

Learn more

MediaWiki has been developed by Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker, Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke and others. Learn more about the script and policy on Meta-Wiki: (

About MediaWiki and Wikimedia

MediaWiki feature list (
MediaWiki history (
Development policy (
MediaWiki roadmap (
Wikimedia Servers ( you are interested in our setup)
Sites using MediaWiki ( yours!)
How to become a Wikipedia hacker ( in progress)


The FAQ ( - please read this before asking questions
The docs ( docs directory in the source
MediaWiki User's Guide ( and MediaWiki architecture ( on Meta-Wiki
MySQL documentation (
PHP documentation (

Communicationmediawiki-l ( mediawiki-l is the mailing list to ask for support. Please check the archives first!
wikitech-l ( wikitech-l is the mailing list where script development is coordinated.
Meta-Wiki ( Meta-Wiki is where documents are managed and proposals are discussed.
#mediawiki (http://irc:// #mediawiki on is the IRC channel for realtime communication

Bug reports

bugzilla (
To report bugs, request features, and submit patches.

Related software projects

Python Wikipedia Robot Framework ( ( - wiki-to-PDF converter

Data downloads

See ( for circa weekly backup dumps of the page databases.

If you belong to the Wikipedia group on Sourceforge, you can edit this page and add more materials: log in to via ssh, then cd to /home/groups/w/wi/wikipedia/htdocs. You can upload files with scp. Make sure that all materials are owned by the group wikipedia (chgrp wikipedia *) and are writeable by that group (chown g+rw *) so that others can continue to edit.

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout

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