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All 6 posts   Subject: UTFSE and How to Stash Shit   Please login to post   Down

10-22-04 13:07
No 537145
      UTFSE and How to Stash Shit     

A recent post that i've been reading for research, the stash post, has me coming to a strange kind of conclusion... Why does everyone here shout UTFSE and what not? I know there are a lot of bullshit questions that come and go here, and I know that after seeing 5-10 "How do I make meth" questions, UTFSE is a good thing to start saying...

But what for people like me who use the fucking search engine, and find material that could or could not be dated? A forum should be dynamic and fluid. It should be something people feel somewhat comfortable with, and in a way it should be a way to rehash old techniques till their dead and burried because you've seen them so much you find ways of doing them better.

I deal a lot with tweakers. I know that's probably a lot of the reason people shout UTFSE for every-fucking-thing. It's a way of degrading people who are absolute newbies, and if pushing them down and making them feel inferior while making others feel superior. Kinda like how a guy once told me he couldn't work for a few days because the local cartel had 50 beaners in lexuses, mercedes, and volvo's following him and his mom. He over-reacted, and attacked everyone who didn't see it his way. It was, basically, a load of horse shit. But he and his tweaker buddies all tweaked out and went into hiding together for around a week... Then came out of hiding and bitched when they were replaced.

Long story short, how bout calm'n it the fuck down some? People like me, who could provide tons of useful information, tend to stay far away from posting and only leech information because we're tired of every little post we make being down-rated to something insulting. Just because we fucking say thank you!

Originally, this post was going to contain the "how to stash shit" post. Instead, I figure.. Why give out something that has worked for around 5 years with no problems. Something that goes under a drug dogs nose daily. Something that can only be detected by xray. I'll tell someone like that ole chap Pyrimo Pyro if he's still around, but he's probably the only guy i've ever had a raport with on this forum and he's actually helped me in pm without trying to condescend.

No, now we change it to something useful but just useful enough that it may keep this post from being removed!

How Drug Dogs are Trained, and How to Aquire a Drug Dog trained by a US Goverment Approved agency.
By Myca.

The first Drug Dogs were German Spehards, this wasn't because GS's are superior dogs with superior sniffers, no, it was purely because GS's were the guard dog of choice and they naturally passed over into the Detection Dog of choice.
The best dogs for detection are the following:
Group 1, the Elites; German Shepards, Collies, Beagles, Golden Retreaivers, and most Mutt's containing the charateristics of the above breeds.
Group 2, the rest; All other dogs, minus poodles.

Poodles are actually the only dog that cannot be used for detection, their also the only dog that doesn't have hair. Their geneticlly a touch off from regular dogs. Poodles are also the most intelligent dogs on the market.

Pitt Bulls, and most fighting dogs(Minus GS's) tend to be frowned upon. They have some mighty tempers.

For some reason, mutt's are being the best for detection now a days. You'll notice most training centers go to the pound to get their dogs.

Females are most prized, when their spaded they don't cause as many problems going into a house with a dog in heat. Nutered males will still be side tracked by a female in heat. Females will too, but not to the same extent.

Now, when a dog is selected, they are set up in a training center and given a trainer. A trainer lays out a group of toys, and each time the dog picks up a toy he plays tug of war. Each toy is generic, and easily replaced with an identical toy.

Eventually, the dog consistantly picks up the same toy and this is chosen as his toy of choice. The toy is then put in certian areas, and then the trainer leads the dog to the toy. When the dog finds toy, he is rewarded with a game of tug of war.

This goes on until the trainer isn't required to lead the dog to the toy any more, the dog tends to find it on his own through the smell of the toy, and each time he finds the toy he is rewarded. Again, a game of tug of the reward.

After the dog is trained to find the toy on his own, he is then trained to show he found the toy by a sign. For drug dogs, its normally a bark. For bomb detection, it's normally laying the head down near the area.

Once the dog has mastered this, they start playing tug of war with new scents.

all of these sents are placed, one after another, on the toy. The dog soon finds that when he finds each of these smells, he is rewarded with the game of tug of war. Eventually, the dog is trained with all the smells required and he's put on the market. Each detection dog is normally worth 60k-90k, and has had 6 months to 1 year invested in it.

1 out of 30 detection dogs make it. 29 wash out.
Only Securiy Agencies, Private Investigators, Liscensed trainers, and Liscensed Breeders may purchase a detection dog. Each has to show a valid reason for having the dog, and has to have a dedicated trainer who needs to go through a 6 week training course. The dog is brought to the training course as well, and stay with the trainer.

A background check is issued for anyone purchasing a detection dog.

Okay, lemme think...
A detection dog can work for much longer than 20 minutes. I've had a beagle go for 3 hours hunting racoons. It had breaks inbetween, but the li'l bastard was more blood thirsty than anyone I was with.

Dogs have 3 levels of smell. And it is 10,000 times better than ours. If you want to "mask" something, don't use food. Use three other things. Hell use four or five. Dryer sheets have 2 smells to them, and are easy to wrap things in.

If you use coffee, or something similar, make sure you have a full box of what you used, unopened, close by. A good handler will see the box and know he cant check that area because it's contaminated with the scent already. They normally don't train the dogs for shit like coffee though, it ruins the dog. Too many people have coffee and shit around, and it lowers the value of the dog.

The people who train these dogs do so for money, not pleasure and not the love of the country.

Hope this helps. And lighten up folks!
(Hive Bee)
10-22-04 13:50
No 537152
      poodles have no hair?     

that statement leaves a shadow on the rest of the data.
most poodles i've seen, not only have hair...they have hair-dos, with poof-balls at the tip of their tails.

in fact, poodles have become gay beecause of this.

beagles have the nose, but they aren't very fast.
around here, in the jungle, there are packs of stray dogs that are wild. all different makes.
there's almost always a beagle in ther gang, even though they look silly next to their larger buddies.
the 'regular' dogs endure the beagles beecause the beagle can track down that wounded deer.
a blood-hound could do it too, but they aren't as likely to run away from home and join a gang.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
10-22-04 16:22
No 537167
User Picture 
      > Originally, this post was going to ...     

> Originally, this post was going to contain the "how to stash shit" post.
> Instead, I figure.. Why give out something that has worked for around 5 years
> with no problems.

Took ya pretty long to figure that out.

> this wasn't because GS's are superior dogs with superior sniffers,
> The best dogs for detection are the following:
> Group 1, the Elites; German Shepards, Collies, Beagles,

Now you got me all confused. Are they superior or not?

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
10-22-04 19:33
No 537187
User Picture 
      Buz gives excellent description of culture...     

Buz gives excellent description of culture among stray canines.  Swim himself has noticed these same traits in packs of dogs in his area.

Makes me stand UP/move around

(Hive Bee)
10-23-04 02:16
No 537242

most of them are ass snifers that how they get to know each other rock's where war dogs sent out to kill by the germans dont figure (sheperds)isnt that just something
(soccer mom)
10-23-04 17:56
No 537315
User Picture 
      Did I miss something?     

Long story short, how bout calm'n it the fuck down some? People like me, who could provide tons of useful information, tend to stay far away from posting and only leech information because we're tired of every little post we make being down-rated to something insulting. Just because we fucking say thank you!

I'm sorry but I don't see where you told us anything helpful.  What you stated was something anyone with an ounce of common sense already knew.

I deal a lot with tweakers. I know that's probably a lot of the reason people shout UTFSE for every-fucking-thing. It's a way of degrading people who are absolute newbies, and if pushing them down and making them feel inferior while making others feel superior. Kinda like how a guy once told me he couldn't work for a few days because the local cartel had 50 beaners in lexuses, mercedes, and volvo's following him and his mom. He over-reacted, and attacked everyone who didn't see it his way. It was, basically, a load of horse shit. But he and his tweaker buddies all tweaked out and went into hiding together for around a week... Then came out of hiding and bitched when they were replaced.

Here's some free advise to add to your "tons of useful information"wink

There's a terrorist behind every Bush.

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