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All 7 posts   Subject: Deleting Cookies in Nutscrape   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Addict)
10-25-04 00:22
No 537559
User Picture 
      Deleting Cookies in Nutscrape     

For some unknown reason I've recently been unable to login here with Netscape (4.7 Macintosh). The message I get from the Hive is that I either need to enable cookies or if I've done that already to then delete all recent Hive cookies. I could easily do this in Exploder but I haven't yet found where to do it with Nutscrape.

Any clues will bee appreciated.

can't flush this
10-25-04 05:18
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Minister of Propaganda)
10-25-04 05:31
No 537625
User Picture 

Is that the latest version of NS for Mac or are you just clinging to a 5 year old browser for some reason?

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Addict)
10-25-04 06:45
No 537635
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      Netscape 6 Blows     

Netscape 6 was just too weird and this is the only version of anything that I've got to consistently work well Hive encryption and certificate. If I use an anonymous proxy I'll be on Exploder though.

So essentially Netscape 4.7 is my Hive encrypted broswer.

can't flush this
(Minister of Propaganda)
10-25-04 07:01
No 537639
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      Mozilla Firefox for Mac OSX ...     

Mozilla Firefox for Mac OSX

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Addict)
10-25-04 07:17
No 537642
User Picture 
      Left in the dust by OSX     

I'm guessing I could now probably find a relatively new but cheap machine that could run OSX on eBay. Many machines older than 2 years won't run it at all.

Probably would be a great benefit to using the net as the internet has bloated out in terms of sucking masses RAM space that what might have been a kick ass system 2 years ago might now be essentially a peice of shit.

Plus all new software seems geared to an OS none of my systems can run.

Jobs and Wozniac rip off Xerox/Parc. Gates rips off Jobs and Wozniac and becomes a bazillionaire.

I'm still boycotting Gates.

PS. I'm guessing that reinstalling the software will work to solve this. It was what worked with the old "unrecognized certificate" problem.

can't flush this
(Minister of Propaganda)
10-25-04 07:22
No 537644
User Picture 
      Do you have an Apple II?     

How old is your computer? I know someone who dual boots OSX and OS9 on a computer that must be 6 or 7 years old.

Anyway, here's your answer I think.

Milk rots your brain.

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