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All 5 posts   Subject: Distilling flask setup   Thread closed   Down

(Hive Martyr)
10-26-04 02:45
No 537825
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      Distilling flask setup     

After snatching this little timebomb off ebay I noticed two things.
1. That the dimwit seller shipped it assembled and caused the arm to snap clean off the boiling flask.
2. That there is but 1 coolant hole in the condenser and a small one at that.

After contacting the seller he sent me a new boiling/ditilling flask, no charge. So that left me with the single condenser coolant port.I'm leaning towars either attaching a two holed stopper and two identicle blue one-way check valves, but the water in and out lines need to be so small that its almost bound for problems.

The ad says it'll distill 1 ounce of ethanol/alcohol every 30 min. It's a cool little piece of shit. Makes for a good bomb or a much nicer conversational piece.
If your interested they run about $45.
The merchant sent me a replacement flask so they seem solid.
(Hive Addict)
10-26-04 13:09
No 537907
      looks pretty ol' skool low jack....     

looks pretty ol' skool low jack....
with a spirit burner and all (is that a spirit burner under the boiling flask?).
Pretty cool though when you look at it, everything in the picture for $45 USD??? not bad....

Might i ask though, what are you going to use it for?
But sorry i have no idea about your coolant woes....


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Grammar Nazi in Training)
10-27-04 05:18
No 538043

That would make a nice centerpiece for my dining room table.  Wish I had seen it.

Cool find.  Sorry to hear about it breaking.
(Hive Martyr)
10-27-04 05:31
No 538046
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      yes indeed.     

Mostly I'll use it as a conversation piece. From time to time I've fermented my own mash and even though no serious alcohol distiller would use such a microscale apparatus for production, I just figured for anything I wanted to distill. Now its more like...errr, anything that cant explode from the condensers inadequate cooling principles its been built on.

It just looks pretty fuckin cool to everyone thats seen it so far.
And they still got all kinds of these suckers available.
(Hive Bee)
10-27-04 13:10
No 538102
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      I've got a similar one!     

Damnit, I own such a piece of "equipment", too - but from grandmas attic (and was very proud about having found such a treasure, at least until now.. crazy). Nice decoration.

The condenser isn't designed to run water through it - just for pouring ice water into it, and thats everything.
Has to be changed every 20-30 minutes, and takes almost the same time to distill ~20ml ethylalcohol from


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