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All 3 posts   Subject: Ricaurte case mentioned in Toxicology vol 202   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Addict)
10-26-04 14:15
No 537918
      Ricaurte case mentioned in Toxicology vol 202
(Rated as: good read)

This is from the fololowing article:

Fraud, errors and gamesmanship in experimental toxicology
Toxicology, Volume 202, Issues 1-2, 30 September 2004, Pages 1-20
by Iain F.H. Purchase

9.4. Case study 4:is Ecstasy that bad? MDMA or ‘Ecstasy’ was reported to cause dopaminergic neurotoxicty in Squirrel monkeys and baboons (Ricuarte et al., 2001). The primates were exposed to several sequential doses of MDMA, a regimen modelled after one used by humans. These results implied that, in addition to the serotonergic toxicity associated with MDMA, dopaminergic neurotoxicity that could lead to Parkinson’s diseasewould also occur. Indeed, they claimed that humans who used repeated doses of MDMA over several hours (as might happen at a rave party) are at high risk for incurring severe 16 I.F.H. Purchase / Toxicology 202 (2004) 1–20 dopaminergic neural injury which may put them at risk of developing Parkinsonism. These findings caused alarm and strengthened the anti-drugs campaigners arguments against the use of ecstasy (Anon, 2003). The report was viewed with disbelief by many neuroscientists (Anon, 2003). One of the five squirrel monkeys and one of the five baboons dosed with MDMA died and a further two primates had to have the third planned dose omitted because of toxicity. If this was a dose regimen based on human use, why was mortality after using MDMA rare in humans? Several studies, including one by these same authors, failed to find reduced dopamine levels in the brain, or its metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid, in heavyMDMAusers. Finally, although d-amphetamine and d-methamphetamine produce similar effects on dopamine levels, there is no evidence linking their use to Parkinson’s disease (Mithoffer et al., 2003). Ricuarte et al. (2003a) rebutted these concerns. Finally, the report was withdrawn because further studies had failed to reproduce the findings. As a result, the original drug samples were checked. It was reported that the animals thought to have received MDMA were most likely to have received methamphetamine (Ricuarte et al., 2003b). Of course methamphetaminewould be expected to produce dopaminergic neurotoxicty, thus explain the anomalous results.

10-26-04 14:18
No 537919
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Has anyone heard any new info concerning the study that was approved by the FDA.  It is a study were people with suffiecent post-traumatic stress are being given mdma.

Little_fat_boy is bad for your health
10-27-04 03:02
No 538030
      Here's the PDF document to the above citation
(Rated as: good read)

Fraud, errors and gamesmanship in experimental toxicology
Toxicology, Volume 202, Issues 1-2, 30 September 2004, Pages 1-20
by Iain F.H. Purchase


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