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All 15 posts   Subject: red devil lye compared to draino crystals   Please login to post   Down

10-29-04 19:02
No 538587
      red devil lye compared to draino crystals     

swim is having a hard time finding red devil lye in his town and was wondering if "draino crystals" or similar generic brand would work the same. they seem to have very similar properties but he wonders if the actual percentage of lye is the same and how would he test for this. any light shed on this subject would be greatly appreciated and would help swim get his dreams underway...
(Hive Bee)
10-29-04 19:10
No 538588
      I wouldn't use anything like these anymore.     

I wouldn't use anything like these anymore. I read somewhere that the company that makes Red Devil has a new process that doesn't even involve NaOH. NaOH is not watched at all and can be purchased in many stores and online without having to deal with any chemical companies. I'm working on a very large list of OTC chemical sources, which I will be putting on my website.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
10-30-04 02:02
No 538665
      Web Site     

What's wrong with Red Devil.  What is the URL for your website.

(Hive Bee)
10-30-04 02:45
No 538667
      Well... if it's not NaOH and people are using...     

Well... if it's not NaOH and people are using it thinking it is such I would consider that to be a problem. I'm searching for this new patent from RECKITT BENCKISER LEWIS, but I haven't found it anywhere. My website is still in the works. It's going to be a little while as I want to have a lot of quality content on it and quality takes time.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Hive Bee)
10-30-04 11:57
No 538724
      references please... "I read somewhere...     

D-P, provide references please...

"I read somewhere that the company that makes Red Devil has a new process that doesn't even involve NaOH."

I read somewhere that Red Devil contains 100% Lye (sodium hydroxide). I read it on a can of lye. Where did you read yours?
(Hive Bee)
10-30-04 15:35
No 538741
      I forgot exactly where this was stated, but it     

I forgot exactly where this was stated, but I think it was either on a chemistry or soap making forum, but I haven't been able to verify this persons claims. It would be hard to find this info again as I was just doing random searches for the chemical constitution of Red Devil. I also can't find an MSDS for Red Devil anywhere... does anyone know where one can be found online? Red Devil basically looks like NaOH, but on the back of the bottle it says 100% Lye and not NaOH. Lye is a general term for a strong alkaline solution so maybe it's like 50% NaOH (or less) and some other chemical since they supposedly have a new process now. I wonder how pure it was before though.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Hive Bee)
10-30-04 20:31
No 538770
User Picture 
      Drano Crystal is something like 50% NaOH, 40%...     

Drano Crystal is something like 50% NaOH, 40% NaNO3 and 10% Al (you can find the msds on google). The big problem is the NaOH + Al reaction, also they add a stupid coloring agent that turn your solution blue.

/}/_//\//) /-|/\//¬/=/_
(Hive Bee)
10-31-04 05:18
No 538868
      Some Info     

Drano Crystal Clog Remover

Sodium hydroxide 30-60%
Aluminum 1-5%
Sodium nitrate 15-40%
Sodium chloride 7-13%

Pequa Heavy Duty Drain Opener

Potassium hydroxide 45%
Water 55%

Wow! Stay away from those Drano Crystals! shockedcrazy I also found an MSDS for a brand of drain cleaner called Pequa that is just KOH and H2O. This will probably have to be purchased from a plumbing supply store. Hopefully this info will help some Bees using Uncle Fester's KOH/ISO procedure. I see some Bees saying they are using a brand of drain cleaner that has KOH and bleach in it. This Pequa drain cleaner would be a way better choice if it is available to you. I'm still looking for the MSDS for Red Devil Lye. I've been looking for it for some time with no luck. crazyfrown I found a lot of MSDS's from the company that makes it, but the one for Red Devil Lye is nowhere to be found! crazy I'm very curious to find out what it contains... I want to find the MSDS and this patent.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Hive Addict)
10-31-04 06:22
No 538874
User Picture 
      In a pinch....     

In a pinch....Ibee has separated the Al from the Naoh with a strainer and never had any problems.
If it's all ya find ways to make it work...
Technological advancement never was a match for primitive ingenuitylaugh

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
10-31-04 06:34
No 538876
      DPhreak, It's not all that difficult

In addition, if you intend to establish an informational website, I hope that you will strive to ensure not only that your information is accurate but also exhaustive. Honestly, I do not mean to be discouraging. Your goals are laudable. However, there are way too many 'informational' websites that are in deplorable condition and which, if one were to rely on the integrity of the information, would do so at one's (usually some poor impulsive kid's) peril. There are very few people (Rhodium is a rare one in which we are very lucky is consumed by this subject matter)in my opinion  who knows the material and if not, works hard to present accurate material and thereby gains the respect of other knowledgeable persons willing to assist him in this endeavor. in other words, do it with commitment or not at all.
(Hive Bee)
10-31-04 22:57
No 538963
      So it is still Sodium Hydroxide... cool!     

So it is still Sodium Hydroxide... cool! smile I rather get mine from other OTC sources that can guarantee purity though. I checked at a few stores (not plumbing) today and they all had Pequa Heavy Duty Drain Opener. It was about four dollars for a quart.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Hive Addict)
11-01-04 00:05
No 538975
User Picture 
      RD lye....     

As long as the bottle still says 100% lye, I'll trust the lyecool
Just like with pills, if inerts and/or inactives are included....listed or not, there is always a way to get what you want and leave the rest.
This is a chemistry site remember?
The opposition create problems...
We find solutions!
(albeit, some cloudy and murky as all get out!...
But hey, that don't stop us!wink)

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
11-01-04 05:41
No 539037

Do any bees have an idea in regard to how much smell is emitted in the evaporation process? SWIT would be interested to hear... thanks

To bee or not to be
(Hive Bee)
11-02-04 17:18
No 539226
User Picture 

If swit is evapping the Pequa, swit_c would assume none, swit_c is one of the bees that have experimented with the KOH/Bleach drain cleaner and does not recommend this.  Almost impossible to evap all bleach.  Chips don't dissolve as well in the alcohol and turns the solution to yellow.  Still gassed apparently clean yellowish pseudo that turns bright white after acetone rinses, but evapping the bleach mix is very, very smelly!!

Tina Craig worked for me!!
(Hive Bee)
11-02-04 22:40
No 539273
      red devil is your best bet..theres all kinds...     

red devil is your best bet..theres all kinds of stuff in draino crystals..i dont think that its as easy as filtering out the aluminum. Didnt you end up with a green mess in your AB>?

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