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The Couch  

All 11 posts   Subject: Why is not Drummer Dude in the thr bees in heaven?   Please login to post   Down

11-04-04 09:53
No 539621
      Why is not Drummer Dude in the thr bees in heaven?     

(Minister of Propaganda)
11-04-04 10:32
No 539626
User Picture 

We haven't yet confirmed his place in the afterlife.

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Addict)
11-04-04 10:51
No 539630
User Picture 
      Rumor Has It     

Rumor has it that he's currently serving some concentrated "rotting" time.

His first board of review meeting is in January but I hear they are having far too much fun with him down there for him to earn a reduced sentence.

Right now his only promise of rising above his rotting status is to (way down the road) get in contention for the Lower Regions Counsellor Programme in which (if he survived their strict and exhausting training regimen) it would eventualluy become his job to break the news to new guests of their deceased state and to inform them of their new location/duties etc.

That's actually not a very enviable position either as this sort of news tends to create rather strong reactions from those who recieve it. But it's definitely a step up from where he is currently.

can't flush this
(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-04-04 12:00
No 539636
User Picture 
      > Why is not Drummer Dude in the thr bees...     

> Why is not Drummer Dude in the thr bees in heaven?

Because that thread was started after his (alleged) death. We don't know if he's really dead, it's all just hearsay anyway.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Minister of Propaganda)
11-04-04 12:13
No 539638
User Picture 
      he's dead.     

The thread was started after most of their deaths. It would have been a bit presumptuous to have started it prior.

Milk rots your brain.
11-04-04 12:43
No 539642

he's dead. The thread was started after most of their deaths. It would have been a bit presumptuous to have started it prior.

(lol!) Good point! (nudge, wink!)

Just because the voices have stopped, does not mean that they are gone! (lol!)
(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-04-04 13:46
No 539645
User Picture 
      Some bees died after it was started.     

Some bees died after it was started.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Ancient Alchemist Delux)
11-06-04 07:14
No 539995

Because that fat bastard went strait to hell..

Tighten Up!  (UH)
(arrogant bee of the day)
11-06-04 09:42
No 540010
User Picture 
      here, here!     

here, here!

It's not really me, it's Android in disguise!
11-08-04 00:30
No 540276
      DD oded in columbus a while ago.     

DD oded in columbus a while ago. Fluf was with him the night he died.

(arrogant bee of the day)
11-08-04 10:16
No 540391
User Picture 
      So we will take fluf's word that DD is dead?     

So we will take fluf's word that DD is dead?
It don't matter, Jacked summed it up.

It's not really me, it's Android in disguise!

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