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The Couch  

All 20 posts   Subject: Arafat is about to meet Allah   Please login to post   Thread expires   Down

(Minister of Propaganda)
11-04-04 22:58
No 539731
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      Arafat is about to meet Allah     

A gravely ill Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) reportedly slipped into a coma and anxious Palestinian officials held an emergency meeting Thursday on how to prevent unrest while their 75-year-old leader was fighting for his life.

There is concern in Israel about the fallout from Arafat's death or incapacitation. The Israeli army, which is on high alert, has a plan, called "new leaf," to deal with the fallout from Arafat's death, including possible Palestinian riots.

I'm sure the Israelis can't wait for operation New Leaf to start.

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Bee)
11-04-04 23:11
No 539733
User Picture 
      Arafat is not dead     

He is just resting.

Are you, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 00:05
No 539745
      if he dies...     

sharone is gonna have a holyland shin-dig of biblical proportions.

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 03:52
No 539785
User Picture 
      Maybe he's already gone     

Israelis have claimed on television that he is dead. They are known to be well informed, they knew about King Hussein of Jordan's death prior to it being announced publically.

What? The Land of the Free? Whoever taught you that is your enemy! - Rage Against The Machine
(Minister of Propaganda)
11-05-04 03:53
No 539786
User Picture 
      I think the doctor might know a little more...     

I think the doctor might know a little more about it than they do.

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 03:56
No 539790
User Picture 
      Good point     

Sorry, been drinking too much milk frown

What? The Land of the Free? Whoever taught you that is your enemy! - Rage Against The Machine
11-05-04 21:54
No 539904
      noooo! dont go arafat!!!!!!     

yasser arafat has greatly influenced my life >.> <.< -_-
, how will the world go on with out mr. arafat alive?

i wonder where your butterfly went after he ate my citty cat?
(Über-Führer die Ironie)
11-05-04 22:04
No 539909
      let him rest     

according to an unofficial source, he has been smoking potent afghan hashish and needs some rest..


Ooh, yeah; well, alright
We're jammin'
I wanna jam it with you
We're jammin', jammin'
And I hope you like jammin' too
Ain't no rules, ain't no vow
We can do it anyhow
I and I will see you through
'Cause every day we pay the price
We are the living sacrifice
Jammin' till the jam is through

We're jammin'
To think that jammin' was a thing of the past
We're jammin'
And I hope this jam is gonna last
No bullet can stop us now
We neither beg nor we won't bow
Neither can be bought nor sold
We all defend the right
Jah Jah children must unite
For life is worth much more than gold

We're jammin', jammin', jammin', jammin'
And we're jammin' in the name of the Lord
We're jammin', jammin', jammin', jammin'
We're jammin' right straight from yard
Singing Holy Mount Zion, Holy Mount Zion
Jah sitteth in Mount Zion and rules all creation
Yeah, we're jammin', Bop-chu-wa-wa-wa

We're jammin'
I wanna jam it with you
We're jammin', jammin', jammin', jammin'
And Jamdown hope you're jammin', too
Jah knows how much I 'ave tried
The truth cannot hide
To keep you satisfied
True love that now exists
Is the love I can't resist
So jam by my side
We're jammin', jammin', jammin', jammin'
I wanna jam it with you
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin'
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin'
Hope you like jammin', too.

--- ---
(Hive Bee)
11-05-04 23:51
No 539927
User Picture 
      I think they know a little more than the doctor     

Thallium in the underpants for example.

Are you, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
(Minister of Propaganda)
11-11-04 04:48
No 540967
User Picture 
      Palestinian Leader Arafat Dies at 75     

Palestinian Leader Arafat Dies at 75

By RAVI NESSMAN, Associated Press Writer

RAMALLAH, West Bank - Yasser Arafat (news - web sites), who triumphantly forced his people's plight into the world spotlight but failed to achieve his lifelong quest for Palestinian statehood, died Thursday at age 75.

 The French military hospital where he had been treated for nearly a month said he died at 3:30 a.m. The Palestinian leader spent his final days there in a coma.

Palestinian Cabinet Minister Saeb Erekat and Tayeb Abdel Rahim, a top Arafat aide, confirmed that Arafat died in a conversation with reporters at Arafat's headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Arafat's last days were as murky and dramatic as his life. Flown to France on Oct. 29 after nearly three years of being penned in his West Bank headquarters by Israeli tanks, he initially improved but then sharply deteriorated as rumors swirled about his illness.

Top Palestinian officials flew in to check on their leader while Arafat's 41-year-old wife, Suha, publicly accused them of trying to usurp his powers. Ordinary Palestinians prayed for his well being, but expressed deep frustration over his failure to improve their lives.

Arafat's failure to groom a successor complicated his passing, raising the danger of factional conflict among Palestinians.

A visual constant in his checkered keffiyeh headdress, Arafat kept the Palestinians' cause at the center of the Arab-Israeli conflict. But he fell short of creating a Palestinian state, and, along with other secular Arab leaders of his generation, he saw his influence weakened by the rise of radical Islam in recent years.

Revered by his own people, Arafat was reviled by others. He was accused of secretly fomenting attacks on Israelis while proclaiming brotherhood and claiming to have put terrorism aside. Many Israelis felt the paunchy 5-foot, 2-inch Palestinian's real goal remained the destruction of the Jewish state.

Arafat became one of the world's most familiar faces after addressing the U.N. General Assembly in New York in 1974, when he entered the chamber wearing a holster and carrying a sprig. "Today I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun," he said. "Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand."

Two decades later, he shook hand at the White House with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (news - web sites) on a peace deal that formally recognized Israel's right to exist while granting the Palestinians limited self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (news - web sites). The pact led to the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize for Arafat, Rabin and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.

But the accord quickly unraveled amid mutual suspicions and accusations of treaty violations, and a new round of violence that erupted in the fall of 2000 has killed some 4,000 people, three-quarters of them Palestinian.

The Israeli and U.S. governments said Arafat deserved much of the blame for the derailing of the peace process. Even many of his own people began whispering against Arafat, expressing disgruntlement over corruption, lawlessness and a bad economy in the Palestinian areas.

A resilient survivor of war with Israel, assassination attempts and even a plane crash, Arafat was born Rahman Abdel-Raouf Arafat Al-Qudwa on Aug. 4, 1929, the fifth of seven children of a Palestinian merchant killed in the 1948 war over Israel's creation. There is disagreement whether he was born in Gaza or in Cairo, Egypt.

Educated as an engineer in Egypt, Arafat served in the Egyptian army and then started a contracting firm in Kuwait. It was there that he founded the Fatah (news - web sites) movement, which became the core of the Palestine Liberation Organization (news - web sites).

After the Arabs' humbling defeat by Israel in the six-day war of 1967, the PLO thrust itself on the world's front pages by sending its gunmen out to hijack airplanes, machine gun airports and seize Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics (news - web sites).

"As long as the world saw Palestinians as no more than refugees standing in line for U.N. rations, it was not likely to respect them. Now that the Palestinians carry rifles the situation has changed," Arafat explained.

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 06:24
No 540974
      And you guys rat about Bush     

Arafat has been responsible for hundreds of more times the number of deaths than the Bush admininstration.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-11-04 07:59
No 540988
User Picture 

Stupidity knows no limits.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
11-11-04 10:24
No 541004
User Picture 
      Doubtful indeed.     

jackhole>  A recent report in a respected journal estimated that Bush (overseeing the Coalition of idiots) has been responsibile for an estimated 100,000 deaths alone in Iraq and thats before Fallujah!  Oh and thats without Afhanistan either.

Somehow I cannot see how anywhere near this amount has been killed by suicide bombers or the occasional loss of israeli troop in Israel over recent years.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-11-04 11:28
No 541005
User Picture 
      And Arafat is responsible for every dead ...     

And Arafat is responsible for every dead Israeli terror victim or what???

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
11-11-04 20:08
No 541069

Not a one of you had anything to say about this situation when I first posted about it:

Post 538261 (Stonium: "Arafat suffers sudden collapse ...", The Couch)

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
-Howard Zinn

(Minister of Propaganda)
11-11-04 23:04
No 541104
User Picture 
      You need to juice-up your subject headings if...     

You need to juice-up your subject headings if you want them to get noticed. Putting a word like Allah in the subject is an attention getter.

Milk rots your brain.
11-11-04 23:27
No 541114

Must be the alliteration. crazy

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
-Howard Zinn

(Hive Addict)
11-12-04 09:40
No 541197
User Picture 
      Hey that's not right!     

We are not alitternation!

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
(Minister of Propaganda)
11-12-04 10:16
No 541199
User Picture 
      even in death he pisses people off     

CBS Sorry for Preempting Hit Drama with Arafat Report

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The CBS television network apologized to viewers on Thursday for interrupting the last five minutes of a hit detective drama with a special report on the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (news - web sites).

The broadcaster said news of Arafat's death did not warrant preemption of the detective series "CSI: NY," which averages 16.7 million viewers a week and ranks No. 8 in audience size among all shows in prime time.

"An overly aggressive CBS News producer jumped the gun with a report that should have been offered to local stations for their late news. We sincerely regret the error," the network said in a statement.

A network insider said the fact that Arafat had already been reported gravely ill and near death for several days was a factor in the network's judgment that it had erred.

Another option for CBS would have been to run a "crawl" at the bottom of the screen with news of Arafat's death.

NBC said it ran a crawl for affiliates in the Western states and Rockies, while leaving the story for local news in Eastern and Central time zones. ABC said it ran a crawl on the West Coast.

The preemption of "CSI: NY" prompted grumbles from viewers and a number of CBS affiliates.

CBS, owned by Viacom Inc., said it has scheduled a repeat of the episode for Friday so viewers who missed the ending can see the entire broadcast.

CBS is sponsored by ignorant fuckheads who would like for you to remain one too.
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 10:17
No 541200
User Picture 
      He's gone     

Yup he finally met his maker....

...wonder what choas will ensue this?? frown

Stoni feeling unloved?? frown Go get sum lovin girl... cool Sure theres somebee willing to take care 'o that... I still remember you 'n Ozbee posting all that soppy stuff.. blush


I love BUSH! The pussy, not the President!!

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